Anyone else praying LePage will walk into the business end of a moving bus?

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This fuckwad was elected in 2010 garnering 37% of vote ahead of some Democrat (19%) and an Independent (36%).

Fucked the progressive-leaning state up.

So what did Mainers do?

Reelected him again in 2014. This time he got 48%, his Democratic opponent 43% and some loser 8%

In other words, Mainers wanted this asshole, which is why they got him. 48% is a LOT for a fuckwad to blame this one some split vote and shit.

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I'm. And I'm an atheist.

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As long as the override wasn't BINDING hahahahahaha

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You can follow the Republicans' lead and just pull your sources and reasoning out of your ass. At least Wonkette is funny while they're at it.

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You, sir, ma'am, or insect, have won the Internets today. Please provide a shipping address in the space provided :-)

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Thankew, thankew. I'd like to thank the wonketariat for sharpening my snarkand my paramedic husband for making the original observation.

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"Sources close to the governor inform Yr Wonkette the governor responded with his usual grace and Γ©lan, kicking a puppy and drafting an executive order allowing teenagers to set addicts on fire as long as no structures are endangered. Sometimes we think we don’t have very reliable sources."

Sounds totally plausible to me. I think your sources are fine. This is LePage, after all.

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Cool! If you win, do you get to use the Bat-Signal?

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Go, go, Gadget Veto!

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I dunno--we, as Humanity, have screwed up A LOT these past 200 years. Maybe LePage is the Universe punishing us?

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I'm sure many readers remember the ST:TOS episode "Day Of The Dove" in which an energy entity invades the Enterprise and makes the crew start fighting each other because it feeds off negative energy. Could Governor LePage be one of those aliens???? Has anyone checked to see if he has a deformed little finger?

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yer weird.

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No, no, no… the other ear.

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In your favorite ear!

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I was thinking of the Next Gen episode where they pick up the weird contact-transmitted contagion that got everyone drunk and nearly caused them to get destroyed because the engineer assistant pulled out all of their drive chips to play Dominos.

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