Probably a similar situation to the Healthcare debate. She hates the unions (because of what Rush told her), but likes the benefits that have come from the influence of the unions.

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Heat, light, moisture, mold, mildew, and the passage of time?

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Mainer here...yep, that's pretty much what we're saying.

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I can see why he'd feel emboldened to do this, what with the GOP wanting to strip foodstamps from ANY member of a family that has a striking worker. <a href="http://www.alternet.org/rss..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.alternet.org/rss/breaking_news/538978/...">http://www.alternet.org/rss...

Jesus wept.

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so many of them are like this!!! doughy, pasty, beady eyes peering out of folds of fat...

this must be some official condition at work here.

we need psych wench!

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are they just TRYING to foment a labor uprising? i mean really. is a stupid mural in vaguely soviet realist style really worth it?


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This shit always happens when the stupid chickens vote for Colonel Sanders. Then they have the nerve to be po'd when they end up headed for a bucket of Extra Crispy.

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Yo!1!! I heart broccoli.

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Leroy Neiman?

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