Bitchy Shub-Niggurath is best Shub-Niggurath. Finally, someone from OUTSIDE THE SWAMP who can relate to the ordinary Republican voter! Someone willing to eat and spit out Matt Gaetz! Someone with a less annoying voice than Marjorie Taylor Greene! If she’s blonde I smell a veep nom!
Now just a fhtagn minute here! If you think Dark Brandon is just going to left you devour the souls, minds and bodies of the House Republicans, you're right. But hassle one Democrat and Cthulhu will have a new cell mate in R'lyeh. And it won't be Old Pumpkin Puss.
I don't think Shub-Niggurath is shouting. I think it's just thst the elder gods predaate lower case letters by millennia, and she'd not yet comfortable with them. But I could, of course, be wrong.
Excuse me, but you left out a few of his verbal tics. Where is the non-Euclidian geography, the batrachian features, the pre-gambrel roof(s)? Not a single Forbidden Book is referred to, nor a sinister pre-colonial fishing village just lousy with p.-g.r.s and strange, furtive peculiar-looking villagers. Now, he might have left out one or two of these in any given story, but that just opened a little more room in which to jam extra helpings of the rest. It was his belief that you could never over-egg the pudding, especially if those eggs were laid by mysterious mephitic beings that can only be made visible by the soul-imperiling performance of hideous, obscene rituals.
But Azathoth has a better understanding of the national debt!
Hey, I beat Shub-Niggurath in Quake.
I approve of this.
1st cousin on my mother's side. He owes me $50.
How Lovecraftian! Great article. Fear the Old Ones!
well they couldn't do worse, could they
It wasn't the caps so much as the fact that it was all sans-serif caps. GLAH!
Driving us all to madness is the point.
That monster!
Seems reasonable
So are you really in the House, or not? I can't keep Repugs straight after Santos...
Shub Niggurath is in the House!
This is a riot! HPL would love it!
"I don't like an elder god you can name-drop." -- Taliesin Jaffe
... definitely a step up from Jordan.
Bitchy Shub-Niggurath is best Shub-Niggurath. Finally, someone from OUTSIDE THE SWAMP who can relate to the ordinary Republican voter! Someone willing to eat and spit out Matt Gaetz! Someone with a less annoying voice than Marjorie Taylor Greene! If she’s blonde I smell a veep nom!
Is that as in "nom, nom"?
Man I hope so!
Now just a fhtagn minute here! If you think Dark Brandon is just going to left you devour the souls, minds and bodies of the House Republicans, you're right. But hassle one Democrat and Cthulhu will have a new cell mate in R'lyeh. And it won't be Old Pumpkin Puss.
I don't think Shub-Niggurath is shouting. I think it's just thst the elder gods predaate lower case letters by millennia, and she'd not yet comfortable with them. But I could, of course, be wrong.
that or she's translating from her original language
I got home from work and this is waiting?!
OMG! I love it! Monsters in high places!
Also, Shub-Niggurath!
Excuse me, but you left out a few of his verbal tics. Where is the non-Euclidian geography, the batrachian features, the pre-gambrel roof(s)? Not a single Forbidden Book is referred to, nor a sinister pre-colonial fishing village just lousy with p.-g.r.s and strange, furtive peculiar-looking villagers. Now, he might have left out one or two of these in any given story, but that just opened a little more room in which to jam extra helpings of the rest. It was his belief that you could never over-egg the pudding, especially if those eggs were laid by mysterious mephitic beings that can only be made visible by the soul-imperiling performance of hideous, obscene rituals.
I would think that a village in MA would be more likely to elect a Democrat.
Hideous, obscene rituals are the finest kind! You don't fall asleep in church!