Then we can listen to the screeches that we didn't do enough (cuz Assad is still alive) or we fucked up and killed a bunch of civilians. Whether they are pro rebel, pro Assad, or pro " I just don't want to die" it won't matter, those deaths will get a whole new bunch of people to hate us. All of the options,inculding keeping our hands to ourselves, have signifcant negative consequences for pretty much everyone involved.

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Anything that shit stain says is suspect.

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We feel ya. You're in the right place.

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No fair using that sexual slang of the sly.

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That's a hockey thing, right?

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I am against it. You shouldn't penalize people just for dying.

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And convening panels to talk about those poor people is just going too far.

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Don't tell anyone, but I haven't handled either of my guns in probably a year. Not even sure there are any .570 cartridges in the house. And the revolver is stored in a different place than its ammo, and is not loaded.

I'm not entirely certain why I keep them, given how low crime this town is and how ineffective they would be in a panic situation, other than that doing nothing with them is easier than any alternatives...

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Plus a few times during the Clinton administration.

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If Bush were still President these Republitards would literally be jacking off at the prospect of bombing some brownz.

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Halliburton and KBR are providers of infrastructure "services". While it's not completely impossible that the Syrians <em>might</em> hire them after we bomb the shit out of their country, at this point it seems extremely unlikely that we'll be invading them to force our elecrocuting shower technology upon them. Your safer bet is definitely the people selling the death raining from the sky.

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Operation Maybe We Should Do Something, But What?

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Me. I need Wonkette.

It keeps me sane, believe it or not.

And I own guns, so this is a good thing, one that everyone should support.

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It's also not like we didn't <em>just</em> have the reports where it was shown we knowingly colluded with the use of chemical weapons by Iraq against the Iranians declassified. Fuck you very hard, Reagan regime.

Although when it comes to questions of credibility, taking a stand against the use of WMD is quite an important one. And not the US legal definition of WMD that covers any explosive from a hand-grenade on up, either, but the actual "chemical, biological and/or nuclear weapons" usage that the average person understands.

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Pre-emptive war on war, eh? Wow.

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