Yeah, a semi-dickish guy I knew in high school in Indiana became a Chicago cop and got into a ridiculous fence dispute with his neighbors that was in the locals. He's now living in some racist enclave in Wisconsin. Big surprise. But I have to say, I have a pal in the CPD who is cool.

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True dat

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I prefer "A tablespoon of wine in a barrel of shit is a barrel of shit; a tablespoon of shit in a barrel of wine is also a barrel of shit."

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I usually see this when I think of "Bearcat"


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Lookit what Kris Kobach is pulling with his "Voter Fraud Commission" aka phishing dragnet for voter suppression!

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"...liberty and justice for all" is just a cynical sound bite.

Who knows how many ppl have been sent to prison or had their lives ruined by arrest records from these dirty cops?

By playing these games on ppl who cannot afford good lawyers and without political efficacy, the dirty cops know there is almost no chance of punishment.

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If the police are going to have military equipment anyway, why not something cool like that instead?

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He kills bad guys, with guns! But our liberal snowflake POLITICIANS and JUDGES would never allow that!

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Armored vehicles like the "Bearcat" aren't created for normal police departments, they are created for wannabe police-states. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Even so, I'm not entirely sure skulls are the best things to associate with the police.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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who in their right mind wouldn't? no speaky inglesh. you talky talk somebody else, ok?

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if i ever have to sit next to dumpy, i will wonder where my life went wrong.

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it must be contagious. i am looking at a hamster in a cowboy hat dancing around the world, thinking why am i watching this?

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It's the little things that keep us going, along with comfort food and alcohol...

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and weed. don't forget the weed. it helps to forget.

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Wait till you hear the noise these make....


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