Man. That Orange Koolaid is some powerful shit.

Alex Jones doesn't just drink it, he bathes in it. Probably has his swimming pool filled with it.

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Am I crazy for thinking this story has something to do with Trump reestablishing the National Space Council? Like if he pardons the Pizzagate gunman and adds him to a Mars mission, I wouldn't be surprised.

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Meanwhile Trump has just responded to the news saying:

"until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on with these little green bastards, I'm going to put a travel ban on all martians and build a wall to keep them out”

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+1 for Lance. How're Mata Hairy and Ed Simian doing?

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What honestly even prompted this?

A bender of meth, Mountain Dew, pork rinds, lead paint, and turpentine while falling asleep watching Total Recall?

So much would be explained if Alex Jones had a parasitic twin living in his gut.

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He was the parasitic twin living Trumps gut...

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The DEEP STATE responds !!!!!http://www.bbc.co.uk/progra...

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This is what happens when you take ‎Giorgio Tsoukalos seriously: your brain turns to jelly and sloshes out your ears.

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Heck, it's crank magnetohydrodynamics. If we could harness it we could start shutting down the last of those coal plants.

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Too bad it does permanent damage to the few remaining brain cells.

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The secret's in his avatar pic: https://uploads.disquscdn.c... See?

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In a society that took care of the mentally ill, these two would be part of a circle of chairs with a therapist.

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Bring back the men in white coats with large nets first.

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And Mainlines it.

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I would never have believed it, but I miss his "evil lite".

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At least all my rich, white, old republican friends tell me that. (It only applies if you're rich though.) Bondi quote from somewhere I'm sure.Side note (in typing this, the word rich came out as reich.)

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