My saviour, Mister Zappa.

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Electing then standing beside this hideous excuse for a human being, let alone a Gawd fearing leader is all the proof needed to verify the claims of this article.

'Religion' to Republicans just mean getting what they want and not caring a single scintilla about those that disagree with them.

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Like the poem. Sometimes Yeats nails it.

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There's a whole bunch of three-cross wooden structures up in the hillsides down South; the middle one is usually old and the others white.

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Says the guy who was raw dogging porn stars while his wife was giving birth to another one of his kids he ignores.

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Unlike Some People, Yeats was awarded the Nobel Prize. For literature, naturally.

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I am not entirely sure of the year, but I know for sure it was pre-1981. Ultrasounds were new. I was at brunch with friends and pregnant pal was passing around a picture. Everyone was all oooh and aaaah. Picture gets to me and I am perplexed. Says I "Is this the Shroud of Turin?" Everyone gets all that's a baby you mope. I still think it was the Shroud of Turin. Baby was born without crown of thorns, though.

And FatNixon never paid for an abortion . . . that was all on the women stupid enough to have sex with that greasy mushroom dick slob.

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Oh no, that shit might have come back to haunt him, so he made sure the Trump Foundation laundered the money to pay that.

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So you’re saying Pizza the Hut?

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Dumbass, those kids are already alive.

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"When we watch a child grow, we see the splendor that radiates from each human soul....like that Barron kid you always see hanging around with my wife and never see doing anything a child would do. What's up with that kid, anyway? Doesn't he have a dad?"

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30% of the electorate is driving the train. Sadly, they're kinda nuts. We have to make a whole lot more noise than we're making at present, because we can make a yuuuge racket so easily, this I know, you can believe me. As a retired white dude, I'm on it. Doing what I can.

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Your last paragraph moved me. And I'm sorry. Men these days are more toxic than ever. I will continue to support, march, respect, and appreciate your rights as the only humans capable of reproducing.

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I'm sure his abortion payments were all just "youthful indiscretions". Well, what I mean is, that's how it will be spun by the literacy challenged among us. Like, all of his supporters. Those people.

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