Mazars gave the DA a million pages of Trump financial documents. Imagine that. A million fucking pages. Gonna need to hire a few more lawyers.

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The NYT concluded its article stating that Biden has also been guilty of similar crimes when he recently, in broad daylight, took two pennies out out of the “add a penny/take a penny” at the local gas station. One observer noted that “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him leave a penny. That’s why I don’t vote for Democrats. They’re hypocrites.”

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On hearing the latest news ....Trump seems to be taking it in his normal stride.... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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They'd doubtless be further along if Vance hadn't killed the prior investigation into the Trumps' efforts to defraud lenders and investors by inflating occupancy rates.

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As long as we're talking about Deutsche Bank, can we revisit SC justice Kennedy retiring, and who his son enabled at said bamk? That's another scandal that got buried by three others.

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BTW....Has anyone imagined the total costs involved with all the fucking investigations from this Orange Azz-Hole's administration AND life of crime ..??? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Think of it as massive job creation in the legal and paralegal class.

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Cy Vance's only goal is to run down the clock and protect his old buddy Trump. He is the worst of the worst, the Jared Kushner of prosecuters, racist and classist to his core. Fuck him to hell.

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Trump, investigative job creator https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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My understanding is that a lot of TFG's "creative accounting" is SOP in Real Estate. TFG just turned it up to eleven.

So maybe the NY AG can, after they're done with the Trump/Kushner clans, have a go at the entire criminal class.

...but I'm not going to hold my breath. Holding Real Estate developers to the law isn't a pathway to political success.

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Here’s an idle question: sophisticated lenders lard up loan agreements with security and collateral, guarantees, indemnification and insurance, not to mention their own appraisals. If you lie to them and default on the loan, the usual punishment is that they drag as much as they can out of you (and your guarantors and insurers) and never do business with you again. At what point do lenders need the protection of the criminal laws? I could see if you told the lender you owned a building you didn’t own, but does inflating the value of property get the prosecutor there? And will a jury convict? This is why we haven’t seen an indictment yet.

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Truly, a hero for the masses!

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Real Estate has about 1/100,000th of a degree of separation from just out and out organized crime. When you start hearing the phrase "sophisticated investor" you know everyone is going to skate and the ceo's and cfo's are going to keep their jobs.

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I didn't do it.No one saw me do it.Everyone does it and most people do it more.

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