until the end of her days,

Oh, did you not notice she's a woman?

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It is pretty funny when they prove themselves to be hypocritical assholes all in one sentence. And I don't get the whole snowflake thing, or the I enjoy your liberal tears mug. I mean fuck, Trump won (with a little bitty teeny tiny bit of help from all the devils themselves) and they are bigger whiny babies than we are! The irony is their leader is the biggest pussy I've ever had the displeasure of seeing in the entire history of the world. And his diehard, willfully ignorant minions are just as bad. If the very survival of our democracy wasn't on the line I would get a bunch of beer and snacks and enjoy watching Trump spiral down the insanity black hole on a daily basis.

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Amongst many.

hashtag lockheruphashtag whereisbirthcertificateetc etc

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I love the WaPo report that the Pussy Grabber was visibly infuriated by the march. He is so easily rattled. What a douche. If it weren't so scary, it would be funny.

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Have you ever been to this site before? Funny bone?

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I pray regularly that I can accept God's responses. I cling to foolish optimism. Thank you for your prayers!

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You get a gold-plated victim card? Unfair!! Mine's only silver-plated. Is there somewhere I can go whine about this? It's what I do.

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"dared those creeps to do something." Ah, is that inciting to riot? Skirts awful close to 18 U.S. Code § 2102

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A Toyobaru.

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QVC? Is that a step up or sideways form The Dollar Store?

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This is the dumb slore that Trevor Noah of The Daily Show made a big deal of defending and befriending, right? Wagging his finger at liberals for not "reaching out" to horrible morons like this. Trevor Noah, thanks so much, you're unfunny and bubble-brained. No, I don't need to reach out and make friends with right-wing morons like this, the sort of creeps you are trying to legitimize on your awful show, in a "both sides do it" way. Fuck that noise. You understand nothing of the US, you just got here, and was mysteriously handed a high profile show despite the fact that your comedy chops are dire, your understanding of actual issues here seems shallow as hell. You go hold hands with your friend Tomi [sic] Lahren here, and I'll go on not watching your dull show.

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I actually was willing to give Trump a chance, but then through his cabinet nominations alone (to say nothing of his first disastrous actions), he pissed all over it already. And unlike some Presidents, I'm not into that.

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the day Tomi dies will be a good day for America. too bad it will be far in the future.

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Alas my victim card was probably plated with brass....and thinly at that. It wore out quickly against the hordes of birthers led by of course D. J. Trump.Has he ever come out and consistently apologized for this farce? He sorta kinda indicated that maybe he didn't believe it. Of course his son-in-law indicated it was just stuff for the ignorant dogs in America to lap up....and they did. They still do.

Trump is my President. I pray that the criminals in Russia do not have anything to hold against him. I pray that each day he is sane. I pray that if he is breaking the law and violating the constitution that this is corrected. I have little hope for America, and only my prayer.I know what America First meant---my grandparents had been active. I pray that this wrong be made right. I pray that our President is not using this as some catcall to neo-Nazis (whom I know are taking it as such).

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Subion is also acceptable frontier gibberish. Regardless of the branding, they are reasonably priced fun little cars that get decent but not great mileage.

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Nah, the one to come after her will be worse.

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