I'm still baffled by that - does he realise that vaginas do not actually lock?And I generally protect my wallet by keeping it in my pants...granted, that's also where my flapdragon lives, but again, jeans are not exactly an impenetrable defence.His logic is clearly as poorly developed as his genitalia :P

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I thought the point of alpha males was that they didn't need defending.

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Shut up, strappy platforms are coming back.

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That's odd, I thought the whole point of the MRA movement was that you were all alpha uber-men who weren't intimidated by the harpy feminists, quisling manginas or the oppressive shackles of political correctness?Whining about how people you view as lesser beings were mean to you that one time isn't really the alpha way, now is it?However, playing the tear-stained victim when the 'free speech!' tables are turned is the typical response of a bully when called on his assholery, so your butthurt is not really a surprise. :PAnd I could suggest a number of ways in which your kind might improve both yourselves and the collective IQ of humanity, but we're civilized people with rules here. :P

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...I got one of those Bed Bath and Beyond canopy hangers you can screw into the ceiling and dangle gauzy drapery off of. Like pic, only transparent black. It does dominate the bed a bit, but not in a bad way. Tends to obscure the head and foot where the drape is, and I tend to accidentally pull it askew, so picture the hanger in the picture at an angle. Still it answers a dream.


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Because they aren't very alpha. I mean: if you have to tell me what an amazing, truly manly, manly man's man you are, you probably aren't.

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They Might Be Losers.

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It's the internet version of pulling her pigtails and running away.

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False. Assumes facts not in evidence; i.e. that Roosh was "raised" and therefore matured in any way whatsoever.

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Yes, but not until he tried for the 3rd time and put her in the hospital and then a nursing home. After that, she never saw him or spoke his name again.

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Same reason the white supremacists are pathetic weaklings and the exact opposite of "supreme"? "The lady doth protest too much"?

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He's never seen one, so he doesn't have any idea.

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"So I murdered her... hey, I won't rationalize my actions, but murdering is what I do"....

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I really think it's time for these cockroaches to be shamed back into their dark filthy corners where they belong. They really need to understand this is not civilized discourse and has no place in a civilized country.

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I think it may have been "Douche-Con" --http://teamcoco.com/video/d...

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