Ok then we'll call it the Marco Rubio Republican Party Dickhead virus.

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Pretty sure anyone with some SE Asia / Asia genetic background is lumped in with "China". As much as I hate to say it, the "you all look the same to me" demographic is pervasive in North America.

I can usually spot Chinese/Japanese/S.Korean/ and can see a difference from/with other SE asia backgrounds but not well enough to place geographically and really, odds are their families have been in Canada longer than me - as I'm a 1st gen Scot-Canadian.

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Droogs just looking for a little twenty to one.

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Gosh. If only Marco Water Polo belonged to an organization that could do something about this.

Oh, wait. First we have to argue about the rude names I come up with.

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It's also the name of a bedbug.

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Showers! Hell, the freeloaders still owe "a assgob of money" for all the free train rides!! As a Jehovah's Witness co-worker once told me in the '80s, "You're gonna burn, (My last name)."

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One of the benefits of military service overseas: I can easily distinguish between almost every Asian nationality.

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How about the McRib, is that still OK?

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Can I argue that they're not rude enough?

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In some ways that is kind of the same thing. Because anyone who really knows the area knows that Chinese communities are deeply intertwined with almost every population, and furthermore, "Chinese" are many different peoples that don't look alike.

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Excellent paragraph there about the typhus and the dangers of group culpability. In fact, China is a very big place, and eating exotic animals for food is primarily linked to only certain areas in the South (and other neighboring countries in the south). Most Chinese find it abhorrent, especially as one gets farther north (partly why there are many fewer cases in the northern areas).

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That's never OK.

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I love how the Republicans didn't even bobble before retreating into full on Republican talk show trolling and all purpose evil. Frank Luntz memes. Steve Bannon Big Lies. They didn't even hesitate. There weren't even a couple of days when at least some Republicans were kind of decent about any of this.

You realize that after forty years, there isn't a Republican left anywhere in public life in America---certainly not at the Congressional level----who even knows how NOT to do this shit. They just don't fucking know.

The dark money billionaires screen them and select them for their capacities for malice and mendacity, their willingness to repeat mantras on command, vote for bills on command, and run into elevators and stairwells if the press asks them a rare actual question, and that's all they know how to do.

They simply don't have any capacity for introspection, which is lucky for the little dears, I suppose, since introspection might lead to a sense of shame, and a sense of shame might ---looking back over the cumulative record of Republican chaos and horror and Stalinesque Big Lies and death to democracy and all----lead to suicide.

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Some smart person here (not me) posted a link to this article a few days ago: https://www.who.int/mediace...

WHO issues best practices for naming new human infectious diseases...Terms that should be avoided in disease names include geographic locations (e.g. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Spanish Flu, Rift Valley fever), people’s names (e.g. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Chagas disease), species of animal or food (e.g. swine flu, bird flu, monkey pox), cultural, population, industry or occupational references (e.g. legionnaires), and terms that incite undue fear (e.g. unknown, fatal, epidemic).

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