There is some knock on effect up here but not as bad. Whatever the English do to themselves affects us sooner or later.

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So then Members of ALEC can be sued for funding pushing policies that attack voting rights, workers rights, woman’s reproductive rights and the rights of Americans?


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Importers, most likely.

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So, reduce the value of the corporations you have invested in. Smart business strategy.

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God is their excuse, not their belief.

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Insurance plans save money if they cover contraception. Pregnancies are expensive.

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Smited by the Invisible Hand.

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Dead. On.

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I don't use Crapple. Not "woke" enough for me.

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When the thugs win back congress there will be a landslide of dumbass legislation like this.

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Something something something “worse than the Jews in the Holocaust” something.

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Maybe Schumer and Pelosi should support this bill to scare the crap out of Lil Marco and the Rethugs?

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I suppose someone should tell Rubio that "shareholder lawsuits" are under fire from republicans.

Too many 'woke' people used them to get better policies out of corp. boards. Note the framings used in the stories on the links.


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Not sure. A couple months maybe? But he's definitely running.

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I has a confuse. So, inability to hire employees because you get a reputation as corporate assholes does not affect your bottom line? Plus I thought Republicans were all for freedom as long as it was freedom of corporations to do whatever the fuck they want. I guess though does not apply if they do something not in accordance with the Party line. Gee, sounds a little bit Fascist when you put it that way. Oh, also too: "woke" is Republican-speak for not being an asshole to the people they want to be able to be assholes to.

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I commented earlier that Dems should support this bill to ratfck the brains out of the Rethugs.

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