"I don't see Cruz making it past SC" - interesting. Explain plz?

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Cruz's main appeal is to evangelicals, that's why he won Iowa, and lost NH. SC has a lot of evangelicals, but also plenty of dumb rubes who worship rich guys, and I think Trump is going to win SC, and also probably Nevada. After that it will be pretty clear that Trump is going to win. Plus everyone hates Cruz (other than evangelicals), so I don't think he'll get the nomination under any circumstances.

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Your mouth to Allah's metaphorical ears. If it comes down to shit or shit, I prefer the regular fascist to the Jesus-fascist.

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A Bush v Clinton matchup would wind up being a Bush v Clinton v Trump and maybe even v Cruz matchup.

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They can't. He's still by far the most plausible alternative to Turnip and Cruz, in terms of beating Hillary, unless you think Kasich has legs. So they're going to keep flogging his name and hope he does better. He's young, attractive, Hispanic, and has benefited from appearing (falsely) to be not as awful as Cruz. He's not toast yet.

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If Trump looks like pulling out in front, the Establishment money will work very very hard to get all the others except one (whether Rubio, Kasich, or Jeb) to drop out fast. If Trump is neck and neck with the others, then the money will go all over the place, which could be fun to watch. We won't really know much til Super Tuesday.

NY is not Turnip's home turf, though. He's really a Florida guy. That's not a very good example.

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Yes, I don't see Rubio angling for Veep. He's more powerful in the Senate, and he's plenty young enough to try again in 4 years.

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Turnip is the Al of the Bundy clan.

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The Palin constituency is easily switching to Turnip. It's win-win.

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Extempore Raving. I hear it's going to be an official sport at the next Olympics.

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Rubio/bush. Yeah. That's the ticket.

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There will be a brokered convention all right, but the "brokeree" will be Paul Ryan, not Marco Rubio.

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Real Programmers used the Spitbol dialect! (Never had the chance myself though.)

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My guess is he'd choke while drinking some water just before he was to go on stage and have to be taken to the hospital. The media would declare him the winner.

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Whatever you think of Christie (and his nachos), he performed a definite public service in firing the silver bullet that cut down Rubio...

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Secretary of Insurance (a new position). He should hold this appointment no matter who wins.He could go from country to country, meet with their leader, and say " Nice country you have here. It would be a shame for something to happen to it. You know how those drones go off course. Now, for $1m a month or so we can protect you."It would also lower our deficit.

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