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Joe should label the stimulous that Trump signed off on the "Mushroom Package".

Joe: "Americans need more than Trumps little mushroom stimulus. We've put together a Stallion package that will stimulate Americans in ways Trump never could."

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I think a lot of Republicans are the result of being bullied in school. Instead of working out like in the Charles Atlas 98-pound weakling ads, they become politicians so they can get even.

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Far left, you receive help because you are in need.Far right, you get hit in the head with a fire extinguisher.

Thanks, marco

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Remember the brief, hopeful minutes when Rubio insisted "1000 times" that he would be a "private citizen in January [2017]"? Invertebrate.


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Anyone else say this yet? Fuck Joe Manchin. I don't want to hear well he votes with Dems on other things. This isn't other things. I saying fuck Joe Manchin over this particular thing because he's really fucking wrong about it.

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White supremacy is definitely about the economic anxiety of people with a lot of money who are worried someone else might want some.

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We'd likely end up with a Republican. WVA needs a Fair Fight project to get more people registered and do some basic voter ed.

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God-bothering nitwit says what again?

I hope he gets primaried by Ivanka and Adam Christian Johnson the podium thief and the naked, howling bath salts guy. With votes, of course.

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It's an optical illusion. It's just that his brains are so freakishly small.

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And having checked it, faces away from the wind and farts.

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Apparently he couldn't find anyone to hire him in private industry. So he balked and ran again because he wouldn't have a job otherwise.

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The GOP decision to make aid to state and local governments political by calling it "blue state bailouts" is so goddamn dumb and self-defeating, it actually drives me crazy. EVERY state and local government is in a crunch at the moment, and unlike the federal government, they can't print money and a majority have balanced budget requirements (like here in California). It also doesn't help that the incompetent federal government pushed a lot of the pandemic response to the already cash-strapped states, for instance by making states compete for PPE and ventilators, thereby driving up the prices for everyone.

All together, state and local governments employed about 20 million Americans as of 2019. Overall unemployment is already insanely high and the job losses are continuing, but sure, dipshit Republicans, let's add another several million to the unemployment rolls because of your stupid political bullshit. It's not like we need schools, roads, fire departments, hospitals, public health departments or any of the gazillion things provided by state and local governments that people rely on in their day-to-day lives. Certainly not during a pandemic where we're relying on state and local governments to distribute the vaccines that will finally, hopefully end it. And while reduced funding to police departments could be an unintended benefit of the fiscal cliff they've pushed governments off, we all know that other vital services will be cut long before any police budgets are touched.

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Hey Joe Manchin, everyday my wife goes to work I think it's going to be her last, fortunately it hasn't yet been but we never know. Could be any day she is laid off, probably the day after you determine we will be okay in this very stable economy.

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Paul Ryan, too.

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