The offspring is horrified enough at the idea of having no more than 8 TV channels and no remote control, and frequently tells me that my youth is his idea of a nightmare. He can't believe we found anything to do.

During the week we were powerless after Hurricane Sandy, all he did was whine about not having access to Facebook or Tumblr or any of the games on his phone or computer and sleep. Personally, other than the fact that it was freezing and I couldn't cook anything, I kind of enjoyed the break from electronics.

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A QUARTER?? Good grief, that was like, a week's pay! Just how light IS your tonearm, anyway?

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Well, to be fair, ignoring reality in favor of whatever random fantasy they've decided to grab onto is pretty much how they operate.

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Considering everyone on that bench is an asshole, I'd say "depth" would be the correct axis of measurement...

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I'm thinking of retiring to a cave. Seriously, I'm sick of technology. I guess I'd venture out of my cave from time to time to say "hello" to my pals at Wonkette, but honestly, I'm sick of the new world order. I want to go back to just listening to music (on my solar powered record player).

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Rubio has announced his post-presidential race and post-senate plans: "I boasted I would someday lead an army of exiles to overthrow Fidel Castro and become president of a free Cuba … .” Rubio is going to be president of Cuba! He's about as realistic with those plans as he has been with his presidential run.

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He's trying to follow Romney's "strategically vote for a brokered convention so Romney can be Pretzelnit" "strategery".

I like the Todd Courser comparison, there does seem to be a similar level of witless desperation.

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Courser/Gamrat 2016 - Crazier Than Trump!

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Half-heartedly trying? Maaaaaybe.

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I think that he knows exactly what he isn't doing. Or perhaps the opposite. Anyhow, dispel with the notion.

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I think the establishment is freaking the fuck out now that they've realized they can't control the morons anymore. Damn, what a great plan it was to heavily arm a bunch of disgruntled rubes after convincing them you can't trust the government, or the media.

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Cruz BETTER not be their nominee. I can't even stomach the thought of that shitweasel being anywhere near the White House. Texas needs to secede, and take Cruz with them.

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They're kind of running out of choices, aren't they? By the way, weren't they bragging about their "deep bench" a year ago?

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They were bragging a few months ago!

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If you hit him on the side of his head with a shoe, you can get him to stop repeating.

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Goddamn, but the spectacle of that little pecker snot running against Hillary or Bernie is hysterical. Plus, we would win Congress back so fast, it would make the GOP collectively shit themselves.


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