Please. We don't need another shambling abomination.Speaking of, has anyone heard from the Christie camp lately?

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I think the GOP has already tried that...

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Not everyone needs to go to college! Shoulda been a welder!

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Are you sure it isn't Repeal, Fap, and repeat?

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I heard he's trying to form a human centipede with Senatorette Lindsey and ¿Jeb?~

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Is that Rosie Grier?

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"Actually living your ideas is for suckers, like showing up for work." -Marco Rubio

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Rosie Grier and Ray Milland, from an INCREDIBLY craptastic 60s (I think) flick entitled The Thing with Two Heads.

<-- LUVS him some stank cinema

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He thinks he has brass balls, but in reality he has an iron lung.

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Yeah, IIRC that was a Roger Corman joint. He does so bad it's good like no one but Ed Wood Jr.

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Wonkette, the Good Morning thing on the banner is driving me nuts. It has this comma.

Good Morning,

No name following (at some point it called me Dave? Which is funny. But not without the Dave, y'know?).That comma is making me crazy.

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SSDI is under social security, not Obamacare. Repealing Obamacare would leave SSDI intact.

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And you thought it was a bug.

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The Alpha Cenaurans haven't invaded and rid us of Marco and his homeboys.

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