I'd guess, like the rest of the Klown Kar Kadets, he sees sheep out there to be sheared and wants to get in on the action.

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The GOP should switch from a clown car to a big, opulent bus with a vinyl wrap of an American Eagle, a 57 star flag, and some guns and name it the Clusterfuck Express. It will cut down on expenses.

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Marco Rubio running for president is the least exciting news that I have read on the bathroom wall. I would call any other number for a good time.

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Also, too, "I do not have a tribble on my head".

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Que lastima


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He'll win in Poland Springs, but no where else.

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Is this what his presidency would be like? "Getting out of bed!" "Having toast and OJ" "Toast is done! OJ is poured." "Will be eating toast and drinking OJ in 37 seconds :)" "Finished OJ before toast, but am soldiering on." "Walking toward shower" I can't wait.

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" I will be exonerated of all these charges".

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Most named Rubio.

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The way I remember it, when the one with the blindfold yelled out "Marco" everyone else in the pool yelled out "Rubio," who was the phantom, underwater goal of the blind guy.

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"Tribble" was the one that Mercurio killed which caused Rubio to kill Mercurio which caused Rubio to get "transportation for life" which then caused first Juliet and then Rubio to do suicide. Hopeful, si?

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I had to look up tribble. Thanks for the laugh, although I knew who it was going to be about.

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No, Poisoning himself.

When Rubio found Juliet in the Capulet mausoleumm, thinking her permanently dead, Rubio poisoned himself, immediately causing Juliet to stab herself, thereby killing herself permanently dead.

In Shakespere, Juliet is the avatar of the GOP horde.

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Yeesh Rubio is so boring even his attempts to run a teaser campaign feel all tired and passe. I wonder how well he'll do as part of the clown car, he's got the congenital lying down pat but he's gonna have to up his crazy if he wants any sunlight...

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But to Rubio's credit, he doesn't claim to do Yiddish. Malatov!

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