Having ex-wifed a musician whose band went through a wide variety of name changes, ALL of which, at some point were featured on the tail end of a "fuck off,______" comment... I feel your pain.

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There shouldn't be a bullshit gap. Liberals need a fake story to line up behind too!

"Did you hear? Marco Rubio prays every day for your baby to miscarry, just so David Koch can LEGALLY grind them up at a John Hopkins Sausage Factory, to make them into hotlinks that will cure his dick cancers!!!"

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Like dead-pig face-fucking.

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Not sure they're stupid (i.e. really don't know the difference between truth and lies) but what Orwell would call goodthinkful (willing to believe something they know is a lie for partisan loyalty/advantage).

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Comes with the territory, methinks. Including an ex.

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Don't think I haven't imagined Donna Rose with a few extra arms, and an extra helping of BRAINS.

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If you can read this poster, you're overqualified for the role of Republican Presidential nominee.

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he knew you were going to abort yer babby even before you were a babby yerself.

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so marco rubs-one-out spews some lies and stuff. it must be a day.

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willful ignorance. it is sad to be stupid on purpose.

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Thanks for that. Will people be talking about Colbert and "Truthiness" in 100 years?

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Just for you Kaili, one Disco Jesus as requested.http://img4.wikia.nocookie....

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Here ya gohttp://media-cache-ec0.pini...

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Oh wait... did you say parts?

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'Bout to say, I grew out of onesies a LONG time ago.

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