They are afraid he will take their lunch money?

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You're not the kind of poorly educated voter that Trump loves. Drop out of Junior High and repeatedly flunk your G.E.D. and get back to him.

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Yeah, they are all shit-scared because he occasionally blows the whistle on their bullshit and they can't fight back because they are already on the record as owning every little turd of it.

I imagine that Preibus and company are desperately casting about for a Jesus to lead them out of the desert (to mix a testament-based metaphor) and hope against hope that Marco is that guy. I don't think he is that guy.

For all his sulking-in-his-tent strategy, I don't think that Mitt is that guy, either.

I don't think there is such a guy. They can't even go find an Ike, if there were one, because the Koch brothers would call him a Commie, just like their daddy did. The GOP has been fat and happy for so many years that they are stuck in delusional Rovian strategies.

Crossing my fingers but I hope I'm right. We do need Howard Dean back, though. DWS is kind of hopeless.

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The late Republican Senator Roman Hruska of Nebraska who Wikipedia says "is best remembered in American political history for a 1970 speech he made to the Senate urging them to confirm the nomination of G. Harrold Carswell to the Supreme Court. Responding to criticism that Carswell had been a mediocre judge, Hruska claimed that:"Even if he were mediocre, there are a lot of mediocre judges and people and lawyers. They are entitled to a little representation, aren't they, and a little chance? We can't have all Brandeises, Frankfurters and Cardozos."[

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I have distant cousins in Ontario (Canada not California.) How can I diplomatically ask them if they would sponsor me for refugee status in the event of a Trump win?

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Mine would have done that in the middle of the ring.

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I thought that was a moose....

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That doesn't bode well for Rubio's supposed ability to deliver Florida. If he can't get that demographic of grumpy old Cubanos, he is brindis.

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What happens when they resist? Uh, have you noticed recent history? Honestly, Donald, you're a riot.

Much like the brawl that will erupt at the Republican Convention whether you are nominated or not. You think Chicago, 1968 was messy?

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I assume that under Canadian law you are not actually obliged to consume poutine. Unless they have some weird Second Amendment poutine thing in their constitution. I await further enlightenment from persons more knowledgeable than I am, eh?

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Brothels, also, too. The ideal Laffer economic model.

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Unless you have a fucking huge chimney, it ain't gonna happen. Not Limbaugh or Huckabee huge but still pretty fucking huge.

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An elderly relative of my acquaintance hit that wall the first time that Rick Scott ran for Governor of Florida. There is no way she will vote for Trump. Or Cruz. Or Rubio. She is down to joke-voting for Santorum or writing in Abraham Lincoln.

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Colbert just unleashed the ideal Rubio slogan based on the idea that Rubio's appeal is to those who have to settle for someone they will grow to love:

Marco Rubio - Oh, So You're Such a Catch?

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"Though havin' it, sharin' it ain't quite the same". Neil Young.

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