Just passing through on their way to Saudi Arabia. The Saudis pay up front. In cash. It don't get much greater than that.

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Oddly enough, Rubio is one of the bravest and manliest of the modern Republicans.

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He's so close to getting that Trump Tower Moscow that he can practically taste it.

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I hope what he does get is impeachment and jail. After his term as president expires, if not before, and then I hope he lives for some years in jail. Trump Tower Moscow? Yes, he probably can almost taste it.Delusional as always.

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It's not the soldier's fault, but it's perfectly understandable why the people are pissed.

Since the people who are actually responsible for this shit are too chicken to actually be there in the presence of the angry Kurds, the Kurds don't have anyone else but the ones lower down the chain of command on which to vent their anger.

It's a classic case of how the ones at the bottom get all the shit for the actions of those at the top.

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Now Putin had a meeting Edogan scheduled before Trump betrayed our allies. And Putin has made an agreement to cease fire on Kurd's How nice to make Putin look like the hero! Bet Trump will be tooting Putin on this one!

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Trump's order, not the soldiers decision. I wonder if they are allowed to voice any opinion.

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This needs a change. The top dogs call others to die .

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There are difficult times in Iraq, no jobs, no nothing.

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I'm sure they would have aimed the vegetables and rocks at the one who ordered this, if he was in range.

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Putin says "Thank you come again!"

And no other foreign government in their right mind is going to trust the United States of America ever again.

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"no jobs, no nothing". The historic cause of desperation, watering the seeds of radicalization... Kind of explains (but doesn't excuse) MAGAbillies too.

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It worked out so well when the US used local fighters in Afghanistan in the 80s and then betrayed them and threw them away. I'm sure tRump's latest betrayal of our allies will have similar consequences.

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Let's not forget the Deep State. And Peter Strozk. And Unelected Bureaucrats.

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Of all of the horrible, unspeakable things Trump has done, this may be the worst. It's tied with the horrors he's committing against immigrants and asylum seekers at the border.

That Trump is an arsonist willing to burn the country down to enrich himself and try to avoid accountability isn't surprising — he is a profoundly damaged human being with no empathy, intelligence, or integrity.

That so many in the GOP are happily supplying the matches, cheering him on and moving the goal posts every time a new horror is revealed, is unforgivable. Their party deserves to implode, and we won't be safe as a country until it finally does.

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Also why he was murdered for saying it.

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