Wasn't that the problem with Paul, anyway? I mean, not so much that he sucked (which should be totally OK as long as it is consensual) but that he thought that women were icky. So, sucks to be a woman, per Paul, too bad about that whole 'you'll never get into heaven without a penis' thing.

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How does the second verse factor in?

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There is only one verse in Mario's tweet. A verse can be more than one sentence.

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No, the article says there was a second tweet. Proverbs 16:3-4

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DK. It may be in the liturgy of hours though.

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No fair going Old Testament.

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It was likely a poor brown person so broken eggs... cake...

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He's a smart cookie.

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Little Marco leaking on the Preznit ain't cool, I tell ya - Russian pee hooker leaking or GTFO!!!!!

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Well, yeah, we did that in Missouri-Synod Lutheran youth crap, too. I carried the skill into college without the bible part until one day I had a coded conversation with an acquaintance that left me with absolutely zero clue as to what we'd been talking about for 20 fucking minutes.

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I've got an 1889 dollar coin that says "In God we trust" just over the eagle's head. Marco is still a nincompoop though.

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Just saying, John 14, 27 is simply the first verse of today's gospel in the liturgy of the Catholic Church (John 14, 27-31a). So I wouldn't read too much secret stuff in it.

Let's leave the "connect the dots" approach to the tweedledees at Breitbart.

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Sorry to take the magic out of today's universe, but John 14, 27 is just the opening verse of today's gospel in the Catholic liturgy.

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It was some heavy shit, that is for sure.

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He only has a certain amount of stored energy, and won't expend it on things like exercise. Sounds pretty slothful to me.

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