If anyone was going to force someone to cover up a crotch, it would be the same book banners who got a teacher fired for reading this book to school kids. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
I can't speak on behalf of anybody else, but literally the FIRST thing we did with Mr. Potato Head is put his parts in the wrong places -- the eye, the ear, the HAT for God's sake -- we thought that was hilarious.
I don't think Joey would be stomping around that way; Johnny, on the other hand....Tommy and Dee Dee were publicly apolitical.
Skittles on Line 1, tasting the rainbow.
Speaking of A & W: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
Didn't Smokey Bear wear rolled up jeans? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
need to add, those blue & red bears that sell toilet paper (enjoy the go !) are buck nekkid & that makes me long for furry sexy time …
That would be one hell of a hairnet
Yes, Evan. Whatever Happened to Baby Bartiromo?
My dad had this old saying about something happening to them if they can't take a joke.
I went sugar-free back in the 70s; I managed for 18 months then a friend made me a pound cake - that first bite was incredible
If anyone was going to force someone to cover up a crotch, it would be the same book banners who got a teacher fired for reading this book to school kids. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
I have literally never seen that bear before in my life. Now I have.
Maybe they will buy a whole bunch and pour it out on the floor. That'll teach 'em.
"Immigants"! Even when it was the bears, I knew it was them!
"-the genitalia of a children's potato toy"
I can't speak on behalf of anybody else, but literally the FIRST thing we did with Mr. Potato Head is put his parts in the wrong places -- the eye, the ear, the HAT for God's sake -- we thought that was hilarious.
Every conservative accusation is a confession.
Right down to the transparent logo repeated on the background.