Is This An MTG Interview Or Is It The Final Scene Of 'Cabaret?'
Getting some very 'Tomorrow Belongs To Me' vibes from this duo.
This weekend, 18-year-old Christian nationalist and University of Chicago student Daniel Schmidt was lucky enough to snag an interview with the inimitable Marjorie Taylor Greene, in which the two of them discussed the way the yoots these days are really embracing Christian Nationalism, as well as how white men are the most oppressed people in all the world, because we won't let them have jobs and we force them to watch porn and play video games all day. I guess?
Let's dive in!
Whoops! Wrong video! Here we go ...
Wrong video again!
Here's the right one , in which the two blonde-haired blue-eyed Aryan superstars wax poetic about how totally unfair it is that "the media" keeps talking about Christian nationalism like it's a bad thing, just because of how we're not even used to hearing it as a term from people without prominently displayed swastika tattoos. Also because of how we want to persecute Christians by not even considering letting them just force everyone in the country to be Christian.
“@RepMTG MTG: Anyone who calls themselves a Christian Nationalist will be persecuted. And if you’re not prepared to be persecuted, you need to ask yourself what faith means. It’s time for the Christian Church to start acting like the Christian Church. We have to be dedicated to Christ.”
— Daniel Schmidt (@Daniel Schmidt) 1660519294
"You know that anyone who calls themselves a Christian nationalist, you know if you're a Christian you're gonna be persecuted," Greene explained from what we can only assume is an old-timey outhouse somewhere in the United States of America, a country where 65 percent of the population consider themselves Christian. To be clear, it would be impossible for a country to be a Christian Nationalist country without a whole lot of people being persecuted (35 percent of this country, at least), so it's clearly not persecution in and of itself that they have a problem with.
Oh! But you know who else is persecuted? White men! Indeed, as far as Greene is concerned, they are the most persecuted of all. They can't get promotions, they can't get jobs, and no one will even allow them to go to college!
“MTG: The reason why I stick up for white men is that I know for a fact they’re put on the bottom of the list. Colleges and corporations get through foreigners and girls before they look at white guys. The white male identity has been pushed to the bottom.”
— Daniel Schmidt (@Daniel Schmidt) 1660519294
She explains:
The reason why I in particular stick up for white men is because I know for a fact when you guys apply to college, you’re put down at the bottom of the list and everyone is allowed to be, um, accepted and admitted into college, and then they finally move on to the white men. They gotta get through the foreign students, they gotta get through the girls, they gotta get through certain races of girls — of course, wait, transgenders, you gotta move them to the top. And then the white guys, “Ok, we’ll look at their grades and look at them last.”
The percent of white men going to college has actually increased from 36 percent in 2000 to 39 percent in 2018. So this is literally just something she made up, rather than something she knows "for a fact." But it feels true to her and that's really what matters.
Greene then goes on to explain how things work in corporate America.
In major corporations, especially woke corporations, white men are passed over for any kind of promotion or even being hired in the job place because they have to fill their minority quotas. They don’t hire based on job ability or past experience or even someone’s character and ability to train them to do the job that they’re hiring for. No! It’s about identity, identity, identity. And the white male identity is pushed to the bottom of the list.
A 2020 study showed that white men are promoted at significantly higher rates than Black women are. So, again, this is just something she made up. She is very upset about a variety of things she made up!
Greene is also very mad about how our entire culture tells white men that they are bad all of the time and also over the way that white men have grown up in "broken homes" where they are ignored and left alone all of the time, which is why they watch porn and play video games (and for no other reason).
“MTG: Then “the future is female” became a thing. Which is insane. They want to depopulate the Earth. How do they do that? By people not having children. Even @AOC is telling young people to not have children because it’s bad for the climate. This is how sick these people are.”
— Daniel Schmidt (@Daniel Schmidt) 1660519294
Even worse, she claims, the slogan "The Future Is Female" means that in the future we will kill all of the men, but also depopulate the earth because "environmentalism." I realize how little sense that entire sentence makes, but let me assure you it is far less confusing than what she actually said.
Marge then goes on to explain that little boys, for the first time in all of history, are expected to sit in classrooms during the school day and be quiet instead of being allowed to just run free and do whatever they want, and then, if they still want to be active, they get "put on ADHD meds!"
You know, because nothing calms children who don't have ADHD like some good old fashioned speed! Which, uh, is what ADHD meds are.
“MTG: These medications have terrible side effects like homicidal thinking and suicidal thinking. Combine this with a world where young men are told they don’t matter and broken households. Then they go commit terrible acts like school shootings. It's a failure of our society.”
— Daniel Schmidt (@Daniel Schmidt) 1660519294
Oh! And not only do these medications turn those spirited non-ADHD-having children into zombies ... they also make them homicidal. Now, I will say — there have been studies linking Adderall and Vyvanse to psychosis in a small number of patients to a greater degree than Ritalin or Concerta, but that is why you are supposed to take these drugs under medical and psychological supervision, especially at first. Generally speaking though, studies have actually shown that ADHD medication (used on people who actually have ADHD) has been shown to reduce criminal behavior.
However . The vast majority of school shooters are unmedicated and not under any kind of mental health supervision.
All of that aside, Greene is literally arguing here that young men are shooting up schools (and watching porn and playing video games) because they are oppressed and we make them, exclusively, live in broken homes. And this is something that makes sense to her.
I know people get annoyed by Marjorie Taylor Greene getting "attention," but she's not the only person out here right now thinking this way and saying these things. These ideas are becoming mainstream in the Republican Party because they actually do feel true to people like Greene and the boy from Brazil up there and we are obligated to throw facts at those feelings whenever they pop up.
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She’s no woman…🙄🫤
She's no lady, that's for sure.
I just feel I should be upfront with, by making fun of her looks, I am doing something I know to be wrong. I'm not going to say "well it's okay in this case because flimsy reasons". Nawp, it's wrong of me, and I own up to it.