She’s no woman…🙄🫤

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She's no lady, that's for sure.

I just feel I should be upfront with, by making fun of her looks, I am doing something I know to be wrong. I'm not going to say "well it's okay in this case because flimsy reasons". Nawp, it's wrong of me, and I own up to it.

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"I believe that white men are the most persecuted identity in America."

...see, that's the problem with lunatics giving each other validation on social media: it helps them to say the quiet parts out loud!

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Throwing facts at feelings is like farting against a hurricane.

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Overton Window Continues Marching Rightward...

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My greatest fear is bible study groups. Or should that be "My greatest fears are bible study groups?"

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Say, you know who else used to practice baleful stares in the mirror?

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How much time ya got?

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And here I thought it was the video games. And the porn. And the Liberal Media.

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The most oppressed white man (under the orange makeup) is The Former Guy. He was so persecuted that he had to cheat to get into college.

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Do this while wearing a trump mask! He'll be followed by a murder of crows everywhere he goes. Especially in Florida.https://lifehacker.com/how-...

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This is like drowning in a sea of fucking ignorant smelly garbage.

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MTG is grooming Incels as her own person P0rn Troopers...

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I'll hang out with a spider over a radical "Christian" any day. I like looking at spiders, but I don't want them to touch me. That goes triple for radical "Christians."

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Two TERRORISTS together .

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