Here’s an update on Mark and Debra Meadows, the Bonnie and Clyde of (alleged) voter fraud. The New Yorker revealed this month that the Meadows had submitted voter registration forms that listed as their official North Carolina residence "a mobile home with a rusted metal roof that sold for $105,000 in 2021.” The couple had never actually lived there. Whoopsie!
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According to the Washington Post, just three months after Mark Meadows had questioned the integrity of mail-in ballots, Debra Meadows filled out a one-stop voter application at the Macon County community building in Franklin, North Carolina, so she could cast an early ballot in the 2020 presidential election. She’d also dropped off an absentee ballot for her husband. During a July 2020 interview on ABC’s “This Week,” Mark Meadows had said: "What we do know is a number of times as we have mail-in ballots, if there is not a chain of custody that goes from the voter to the ballot box, mischief can happen.”
Indeed, mischief did in fact occur.
On her one-stop application , provided this week by the North Carolina Board of Elections to The Fact Checker, Debra Meadows certified that she had resided at a 14-by-62-foot mountaintop mobile home for at least 30 days — even though she did not live there. At the top of the form is a notice that “fraudulently or falsely completing this form” is a Class l felony .
Debra Meadows signed three separate forms — a voter registration form , an absentee ballot request for her husband, and the one-stop application — that clearly warned of legal consequences if the forms were falsely completed and signed. Although Mark Meadows is currently under investigation for potential voter fraud, the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation has not confirmed that its investigation includes Debra Meadows.
“We are early into the investigation,” said Anjanette Grube, the SBI’s public information director. “As the investigation continues, information will be shared with the prosecutor who will make a determination as to whether any additional persons could be subject to the investigation.”
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This doesn’t seem like a difficult investigation. The voter registration form Debra Meadows signed "under penalty of perjury”asks for a residential address, specifically defined as “where you physically live” on the material plane. The Meadows never lived at the property in Scaly Mountain, North Carolina, and it’s unclear whether Mark Meadows ever spent a single night there or even set foot in what is generously called a house.
To register to vote in North Carolina, a citizen must have lived in the county where they are registering and have resided there for at least 30 days before the date of the election, according to the state’s board of elections. Both Mark and Debra Meadows listed a post office box in a town about 70 miles away from the mobile home, near Asheville, as the mailing address. Both voter registration forms, filed Sept. 19, 2020, list the move-in date as the next day: Sept. 20.
Debra Meadows listed the Scaly Mountain dwelling as Meadows’s official residence when submitting his absentee ballot on October 1. She claimed her husband had moved there on September 20, but she had to know that wasn’t true. More absurdly, she had her husband’s absentee ballot sent to their Old Town Alexandria condo in Virginia, which is not North Carolina.
Lanisha Bratcher, a Black woman from Wake County, North Carolina, voted while on probation without knowing she was ineligible. That was arguably a simple mistake, and she’s facing prison time. Mark and Debra Meadows seem to have gone out of their way to perpetuate the fiction that they still lived in North Carolina, presumably for political reasons.
North Carolina police arrested Bratcher for voter fraud while she was eating breakfast in her home. They should do the same to the Meadows. They’d have to drive all the way to Virginia, but they could make it a lunch arrest.
[ Washington Post ]
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Pretty much any actual resident of that trailer (or the roughly 1 million similar to it in NC) would've been immediately arrested for committing this type of voter fraud.
You know, there's a word for how these people are acting. Hypo... hypodermic? No. Hypo... hypochondriac? Something like that. What could it be?