Pretty much any actual resident of that trailer (or the roughly 1 million similar to it in NC) would've been immediately arrested for committing this type of voter fraud.

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You know, there's a word for how these people are acting. Hypo... hypodermic? No. Hypo... hypochondriac? Something like that. What could it be?

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I hear Republicans are looking for voter fraud cases to prosecute... please proceed.

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Meadows is going with the "If I don't talk about it, it never happened" defense. Throw in some other voting hanky-panky and he'll probably walk away (again).

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Mark is so much above the average American that it might be difficult to understand his genius, his greatness. Important that we don't bother him with our laws. That goes for any of his relations too...familial, business, political. His wife shouldn't have to pay a price for voter fraud because that might interfere with Mark's business of getting Trump re-elected.

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😡 Fucking ARREST them! It’s their only option, given that they can’t reverse time and not do that to Ms. Bratcher!!! 🤬

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The property it sits on?

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See? Trump was right about voter fraud. He just, er, misspoke about which party committed it, that's all. Or,um, wait...oh I've got it, his words were taken out of context. Yeah, that's it, taken out of context. Or maybe something else. But he really was right, see?

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Wait.She signed his name and voted for him?This is beside the "we're gonna claim our vacay house is our real house" bit.

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Tinnn Roooof.......Rusted!!!

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The dirt it’s on is worth that much.

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Well, it's more of a hill than a mountain, but otherwise pleasant enough. I'm more fond of Highlands, personally.

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Don't get my hopes up about any jail/prison time being included...

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All of those things are correct. People who live in western NC year round call them Floridiots, and I’ve seen a bumper sticker that says “If it’s tourist season, why can’t we shoot them?”

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I'm thinking that he can pull a Gov. Bob McConnell (or McDonnell, whatever it was). It goes like this: Come to courthouse, call out the press, ostentatiously wave your Bible around and offer some semblance of crocodile tears/repentance, get to the witness stand and then throw your wife under the bus. Because it's all HER fault and he just an innocent Christian man tempted by a harlot/jezebel.

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A page out of the old Rovian playbook: Accuse the other party FIRST! of exactly what you are doing.

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