Sadly, I have to agree. I'm not sure how many of the idiots in this instance I would describe as progressive, but they sure as shit ought to know better. Fucking disgraceful.

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That title makes no sense grammatically.

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Book frottage?

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I bet the RWNJs book selectionists at my library will buy it. They have every so-called "book" written by a republican.

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Halperin was a mealy mouthed Trump normalizer in 2016 before he got in trouble. Screw him, Regan, Brazile, Axelrod and the other "strategists" who normalized Halperin. No doubt a lot of it is about those almighty white working class men in Wisconsin Clinton "ignored'.

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Mark Halperin called president Obama a dick, out loud, and is a womanizing man slut with dick issues. Those being, what comes out of his mouth and his trousers.

Here's how we beat the Human Dumpster, quit allowing average white dudes with above average delusions of penis grandeur talk at us like they aren't the pathetic puny penis havers we all know that they are.

Boycott giving second chances to gross men who so royally fucked up their first chances.

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Bitch, I don't get to practice my trade for money (synth-pop maverick), why does Halperin get a god-given right to do so?

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Those discounts don't go nearly deep enough.

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Aside from the horrid Halperin, who would want to read this piece of shit? Like Donna Brazile, David Axelrod, Carville et al don't blather their useless shit "advice" on Sunday shows for years, for free? Kee-rist, like they have any idea "How to Beat Trump", these fuckers "advised" and presided over catastrophic Democratic losses in statehouses throughout the land, for years. They don't know jack shit about anything except getting attention for themselves. Collaborating with Halperin is just the shameless icing on the cake. Someone on Twitter said to Axelrod: "We better not see you advising on the 'optics' of anything ever again."

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Indeed, we better not. God what a slovenly person. Also as I skimmed that list of people in the book I thought, who the fuck are these old ass people? These people know how to beat Trump? Uh, yeah. Glad we’re not relying on them.

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Speaking of Clinton in Wisconsin, I recently read that she was scheduled to go to Wisconsin and then the Pulse nightclub shooting happened so she went to Orlando.

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What fucking horrible book shop is that?! 😳😰

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I just read that article before this one! 😂 So you have hit your target audience for that comment. 😊

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How did he miss Karl Rove? Fuck that guy and everyone involved in that tree killing abomination.

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Right? I mean, we aren't missing anything without him.

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Yup. But she had popular surrogates stumping for her endlessly in Wisconsin (and the other states she lost), and, despite some longstanding unpopularity (she lost the Wisconsin primary twice), was in the lead until the Comey letter... which is not something those "but she never went to Wisconsin" assholes will ever acknowledge.

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