White people can't say other white people aren't racist. We just can't. We do, however, have the responsibility of calling out racism in other white people.

Trump is very racist and does nothing to hide it except not saying the n-word in public. Mark Meadows seems to be racist (I don't really know anything about him).

ETA: Just learned Meadows was a birther. I rescind my seems. He's full on racist.

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That sounds crazy delicious!

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Our tenuous friendships with them are dependent on sacrificing our dignity and swallowing our anger. We exist solely to make people like Meadows feel better about themselves.I know people like this, and they are butthurt that I no longer wish to associate with them since November 2016. I refuse to be anyone's shield against accusations of racism anymore.

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No, he doesn't. He also hates being in any environment that he can't control. When he is forced to travel, he always wants to stay in his own shithole hotels.

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But-but-but-- Donald Dated Black Women!!!!!

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He certainly is an example of somebody who's done an amazing job and is being recognized more an more!

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Welcome Pendley to the BLM!Bureau ofLargeMistakes

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Why are you being so racist to Donald Trump?

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Why just the other day I had to show my birth certificate just to get a fucking box of Cheerios! Generic Cheerios, at that!

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Is he "asking for a friend"?

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Kinda like that Harriet Tubman woman.

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all right, let's..

ETA oohhh, not a good look, Mr Predisent.

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That reflects the older, more primitive conception of justice which prevailed when those books were written.

God knows torture is sinful, so meta-thanatic rehabilitation must be something humane and civilized.

However, humane and civilized rehab is still rehab, and I would prefer to avoid it. If nothing worse, it must at least be dreadfully tedious.

(Remember, the deterrent value of punishment is far less a function of its severity than of its certainty.)

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We exist solely to make people like Meadows feel better about themselves. No matter how well we perform in that capacity, we are disposable. They will certainly never take our side against another white person, no matter how off-the-charts repulsive they are.

just wait until Rhinestone and Polyester learn that one the hard way. tick tack.

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I refuse to believe that evil wins permanent victories.

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