Ummm. Have you looked at the Republicans in the NC Legislature?

Say what you will about NC Republicans, you cannot say that they have a shortage of venal, stupid, greedy, arrogant, and malevolent politicians. Meadows was no outlier (Walker, who before redistricting was my representative (for my sins? or for somebody's, at least), has also retired, and my piece of NC has been awarded to the new Thirteenth (which now looks like a mule lying down, with the Sixth district strapped to its back), so I have to learn not to spontaneously vomit when Ted Budd's name is spoken). I am confident that they will find someone egregiously stupid and maliciously greedy to run in the Eleventh.

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I can understand how it can be hard to find someone to run in a heavily gerrymandered district. Who wants to leave their current job and spend a year pursuing another job that they have almost zero chance of getting? And having to find someone every two years would be eve more difficult.

But I guess that’s one of the goals of gerrymandering: make it so hard for your opponent to beat you that they don’t even bother trying.

Still, you can’t win if you don’t even play, so we should at least try.

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The Byrds.

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You sit around the table holding hands, with Dad at the head intoning prayers, in which he calls out the sins of all others present and asks for "forgiveness." See, only Dad can effectively communicate with the Creator of the Universe. Nuff said.

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I’ll be Merry Christmasing in Meadows’ district with in-laws, but we are not allowed to discuss politics since the Christmas when my FIL called then-President Obama a “fucking n word” at the dinner table. That is all.

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His speeches during impeachment sound like he's eight miles high.

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If Meadows wants to get up in impeachy's ass, he'll have to get in line. --Barr, Nunes, McConnell, Pompeo, Graham

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Always... you know, when they're not in lockstep.

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My sister went to Warren Wilson College ages and ages ago, and still speaks fondly of Asheville even though she got kicked out of WWC (for having Teh Ghey and also all of the drinking also too).

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So long Meadows, you worthless A-hole. Your done as a politician. All those lies you told for Spanky will not be forgotten. Faux will probably take you as long as your're willing to tell more lies.

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After prayerful consideration, today I'm announcing a resounding FUCK YOU to Mark Meadows.

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These assholes are all backstabbing opportunists, so I can see Mulvaney pulling a Michael Cohen.

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Would this work for a Jewish family? How about a Muslim one? What about a family of atheists? Or is it only Christians who gain credibility through prayerful discussions?

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Dear Diaper Don - you know what's worse than being impeached in your second term as president? Being impeached three years into your first term. Suck it, you chinless, mouth-breathing no-talent-having badger twat.

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But they're not taking turns, you know. They all want up in there now.

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Let the Dems in that district choose their own nominee, and then rally 'round the banner and send money their way.

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