I have a FB "friend" who keeps breaking up with her boyfriend, accusing him of all sorts of horrendous things which usually boils down to "does not pay enough attention to me, the attention whore". Then she takes up with him again and posts many pictures of them in loooove, and some foolish people actually give her positive feedback on this turn of events. Then she again pours forth her anger at his horribleness. The last time she reunited and it felt so good, someone actually posted "I feel that I'm watching the same car crash over and over again." But yeah, WHY the hell would you share those details with your 243 friends??

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"..if this issue is worthy of funding and support…it is worthy of debate and a free standing vote."

That's the part that hamstrung me. Is he suggesting that everything proposed to Congress for funding is supposed to be voted on as an individual "free-standing" issue? Or maybe he's implying that most provision-packed bills that Congress votes upon nowadays are NOT worthy of funding and support. Hm, I might actually buy that.

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If this sorry-ass pathetic babbling dipshit ever gets re-elected to <i>anything</i>, then I just may put out a welcome mat for the terrorists.

Though I think they'll simply run away.

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What I'd like to know is why Mark calls his <strong>brother</strong> "crazy cousin".

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Plus family values!

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I'm certainly grateful for the tragictainment.

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In his apology hangs the nature of his context.

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He's sorry? Why? This has been about the most entertaining stuff in these days of sucky news. I'd say "Thanks!"

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Is this from the William Shatner school of Dramatic Pauses or something?

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Are you sure? Maybe it's the Rock and Roller Cola Wars.

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When will Lindsay Graham declare Sanford's confused thinking a terror threat?

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What part of "SHUT UP" does he not get?

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In the South, it can be a rather fine distinction.

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definitely playing in the big leagues there...

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