I keep forgetting how horrible the sue everyone culture is.

Also, love your profile pic... I'm not sure if I can say "I'll be in my bunk" without coming off creepy.Eh, fuckit: I'll be in my bunk.

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Snopes disputes this, much to my relief: http://www.snopes.com/did-c...

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how about if you are robbed? after all you can't put your arm around a memory of your stuff, or in the case of a raped girl her virginity...

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good. they're still mesmerizing.

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Dang it, another earworm. "And well escape the darkness, we won't be searching any more!"

You're welcome.

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i was wondering that same thing.

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I always wondered about the first person to pick up a lobster, give it a good, hard look, and announce, "I bet this would be good eatin'."

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The HUD funds will take a while to get there because the Director of HUD is personally going to deliver it, travelling on foot from Washington to Houston, with the requisite stops for napping.

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it took 5 months when Julian was directing HUD. I am entirely unoptimistic.

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Just for the footwear.

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Whatever happened to women and children first? Hell, they even enforced that on the Titanic.

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I just reserved it at the library. How could I not with a title like that.

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Ted Cruz's people.

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The operator of the ferry that night had the final say. He could have let everyone board and told his bosses "I just saved your asses from a media firestorm." Instead, he said "Corporate says no, so good luck, I guess! Bye!"

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Wait; wouldn't that mean that Marriott's potential liability to the turned-away non-registereds (who are under no such arbitration clause) is virtually unlimited? If any one of those 35 people stuck on St. Thomas got so much as a hangnail after being turned away, they could take a case against Marriott all the way to trial, right?

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