Can't this thing be flushed or least dropped in a privy and forgotten?

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Ah, religion- duping stupid people into believing stupid things since the first ape-man, tired of working for his living, picked up an animal skull and told the other tribe members that he got messages from the Great Cave Bear in the Sky, so they would do his hunting and gathering for him and he could lay around at his ease, making up bullshit.

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my Norwegian-American grandfather spent his entire service in WWI on a troopship to France and, from landing until the Armistice, helping care for the sick in his unit, which never saw combat because too many of them were down with the flu, which thrived and spread in the close quarters on shipboard.

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She has one of those heads that would be put to much better use ornamenting the pointy end of a pike.

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Hope you mean Marsha as the "thing". I'm a Tennesseean, and I fully agree.

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In those days there wasn’t nearly as much travel as there is now, and H1N1 didn’t have a large number of people with light or no symptoms running around. If you got it, you got very sick very quickly. Quarantine, if used correctly, could have ended it fairly quickly. Hell, if they’d even done what the doctors at the time (with their limited understanding of epidemiology) recommended, it might not have gotten out of the US and millions world wide might not have died.

But politics then, as now, fucked everything up.

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I'll drive.

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Yes, I meant Marsha.

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Or be subjected to numerous incoherent rants by Tina Mouse—who I finally had to block—for merely referencing the term.

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they're never the right size for ANY pan. >:(

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Same with corn.

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Take two.

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The Biden Administration refuses to admit that China is responsible for this virus.

What "virus" is that, Marsha? The one you said was a liberal hoax and later the common cold? Go fuck yourself.

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... and don't get me started on the hot dog/ hot dog bun packaging ratio

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A simple 15 minute search will verify every one of these points. Individuals won't even try...well, most won't. I do try...and that is why I can rebut RWNJ talking points...in spite of the fact that I am an absolute shit at debating. Hope? Why...yes. We can and will do better.

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