Gosh, has no one explained to these folks that if you have another flag flying, you're supposed to have the US flag at a higher elevation?

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Wait one. Dolly is pretty much okay. The rest of the state, meh.

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Great. A reminder that there are even worse fuckwads than Marsha Blackburn that can get elected by 750K people.

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No, based on past experience, $arah will be pushing us to invade South (Bad) Korea.

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I was not particularly aware of Miller pre-2001, but I've seen some of his older stuff and it was quite good. 9/11 affected a fairly small number of people very profoundly, to the extent that they radically changed their worldview. I can only think that they were ignorant of the preceding decades of bombings in the UK and Ireland and Russia and Israel and Sri Lanka and Spain and Germany and Italy and Algeria and so forth and so on.

Lots of people (e.g., me) regarded the event as an atrocity among many other atrocities in modern life. Miller is one of the folks who regarded it as a life-changing experience. Presumably, he has personal reasons for that. He is no longer the same person who was once your favorite comedian (hint: he isn't remotely close to funny anymore. Ever.), and so you should simply remember Dennis Miller v1, who was your favorite comedian, and ignore Dennis Miller v2, who is a different person.

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What, a black hole of suck?

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A seven-foot tall doctor?

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Sadly, we'll have more success getting background checks for buying pressure cookers.

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Kenosha? Really?

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Fuck, if I had known you could get explosives with an ebt card, I'd have applied harder.

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And sea-level rise can be abolished by state law.

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Jesus. That is some life-destroying shit there. The thing is, against such a huge, abstract evil, torches and pitchforks are insufficient. We need our social representatives -- politicians, cops, judges -- to also be carrying torches and pitchforks. And they aren't.

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What, Gardasil turns little girls into Republicans? I may have to reconsider my support.

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One of Alex Jones' assistant loons had a great question: <i> During a press conference on Monday afternoon, Dan Bidondi, a radio host for Jones' InfoWars.com, asked Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick if the explosions were staged. "Is this another false flag staged attack to take our civil liberties and promote homeland security while sticking their hands down our pants on the streets?" Bidondi asked. "No," Patrick responded. "Next question."</i>

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If someone started calling ice cream cones "Obama-cones," they'd be against those too.

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Marsha, Marsha, Marsha.

The scary thing about this story is that there is an entire Congressional district of something like 750,000 people that has elected this dingdong six times.

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