I went to the rock to hide my face and the rock cried out "get a better truck!"

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Did Ram even get the point that using that speech particularly considering what else it had said is what the problem is?No?Did not think so.

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I blame Fred Astaire's estate and Dirt Devil for starting it.

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We could end up with a pathologically insane, demented, delinquent in charge of all our shit.

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Jesus is already used to sell a line of crap every Sunday.

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I know this Bob Roberts and I know, kushner ain't no Bob Roberts.

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Nah, that's too farfetched.

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And now Jesus, for Kit Kat bars

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I remember when, to see the usa, you had to do it in your Chevrolet.

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My house is on a curve. Across the street is a red brick building, formerly a church. Many fools have wiped out their vehicles on this curve over the 18 years I've lived here. The best was when a drunk went off the road and slammed into the little church. Stopped, the pickup truck was more than halfway inside the building. The drivers head was through the windscreen. Remarkably, he wasn't killed. I have dozens of pics as I am a disaster junkie. The truck was a Ram. Seemed appropriate.

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After this, maybe not so many rams.

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Promotional consideration provided by Access Hollywood and donald trump.

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The greedy one.

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They didn't know when, to get the hell out.

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Speculate. It would be wrong not to.

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Nothing beats the bridge jump scene in "Road Trip".

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