I thought he was running for V.P. He better tone that dissing his future boss shit down.

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As I may have mentioned once or twice, the g/f has lived in Baltimore her whole life. When I mentioned Uncle Martin to her and asked for her opinion of him... jeez, I had no idea she even KNEW that sort of language.

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You are my hero.

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Thanks for that, Bob.

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;-) Might have to wait; he's a fifteen year old kid from Iowa. The constitution can always be amended...yeah, that's the ticket!

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Does he want constant warfare? Is his foreign policy "kill the gooks, kill the ragheads!" That's been standard for D's and R's as long as I can remember.

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A song I thought of this morning when my S.O. was trying to talk me into it one day:

"anal verge, anal verge, every morning you greet me.Small and white, clean and bright, you look happy to meet me."

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I noticed him years ago. (I have a thing for prematurely grey-haired men of Irish extraction....)

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At least some people are honest about it:


I’m a chronic masturbator: “Just one more and I’ll be on my way”

When I’m sad, happy, grouchy, or just bored, my hand automatically reaches down...

Asa Akira

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I misread it as "...I have re-broken my wrist."

repetitive stress injury, I see

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Has anyone told him that he's basically a rounding error in a Clinton/Sanders race?

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God, I hope not...I'll reach that age in about 53 weeks.

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Lincoln Chafee libel!!

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For all the Duggars.

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Your article totally misses the 4 cute boondocks over his right shoulder... Once Evan stopped drooling over his pecs. #numnum

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