In what has to be the teensiest ittle-bitty political shocker of the year, Mary Cheney emailed Politico to say that she doesn't intend to support her sister Liz Cheney's campaign for the U.S.
<b>Minister:</b> Now if the groom could just position his face in front of the <strike>target</strike> surveyor&#039;s mark for the ceremonial blessing by the father of the bride.
I&#039;d really like to see Big Dick jump into the fray. Cuz watching them both -- Big Dick and Little Dick -- drown (with votes) would be very schadenfreudy!
Like Newt referring to his 2011-12 performance art appearances as &quot;presidential debates,&quot; Mary&#039;s reference to the &quot;dignity of the office of a US senator&quot; is a person talking about something she&#039;ll never experience.
there&#039;s a rule change proposal on the floor. I&#039;m betting Harry is smart enough not to stick his neck out unless the votes are there. It appears to be rather limited, but it would at least unjam the judicial nominations
Such a nice family.
See what happens when harp about the carpet being mowed it really pisses people off
<b>Minister:</b> Now if the groom could just position his face in front of the <strike>target</strike> surveyor&#039;s mark for the ceremonial blessing by the father of the bride.
no, but Mitch is being a whiny little prick (worse than usual), so I&#039;m guessing he realizes this might go through
I&#039;d really like to see Big Dick jump into the fray. Cuz watching them both -- Big Dick and Little Dick -- drown (with votes) would be very schadenfreudy!
or gun safety?
Wyoming voters think Liz should run for Senator - of Virginia.
Like Newt referring to his 2011-12 performance art appearances as &quot;presidential debates,&quot; Mary&#039;s reference to the &quot;dignity of the office of a US senator&quot; is a person talking about something she&#039;ll never experience.
OT it appears Harry is actually going to throw down and bitch slap the GOP over the blocked nominations
Mary Cheney, to the GOP: I wish I knew how to quit you!
This story has more political bedfellows than I can count.
there&#039;s a rule change proposal on the floor. I&#039;m betting Harry is smart enough not to stick his neck out unless the votes are there. It appears to be rather limited, but it would at least unjam the judicial nominations
That&#039;s every state&#039;s motto.
Except, of course, Texas, whose motto is Hey! We&#039;re Alabama! Only Bigger!
of course- entitlement is that family&#039;s middle name
For them, maybe. We all still have to deal with Cheneys for the rest of our lives. When will it get better for us?
lol, I won&#039;t argue that