I thought he was renditioned.

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Still can't top Florida: <a href="http://articles.orlandosent..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2011-06-08/ne...">http://articles.orlandosent...

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i do.

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i belong to three unions and tend to agree with you about the stifling impact unions have - especially on younger members of the profession.

however - as someone who has also spent two decades in corporate america - it seems to me that bosses, management, corporations face almost no constraints on their positions of power. i can't ever argue with with them. i can't even bring it up. i don't have their resources, $$$, lawyers.

my personal solution to this conundrum is to hate all organized authority and listen to a lot of clash or ru paul depending on the day.

but this is not necessarily constructive.

also, and far more importantly, why do you have an ant avatar?

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Inspector must be new. Apparently he still doesn't know the #1 rule: Choose your battles <i> carefully.</i>

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<a href="http:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/en\/7\/7b\/Denisleary_nocureforcancer.jpg" target="_blank">Denis Leary was right!</a>

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When life gives you lemons, you better hope life also gives you some water and sugar and a pitcher or else you're just stuck with a bunch of lemons.

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They grow up so fast! One day they just a bunch of wise-kids puttin' the squeeze on a lemonade stand. Next thing you know they have a PAC and are twisting arms at a GOP fundraiser.

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Nothin' wrong with small breasts.

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Child labor laws are just another example of "nanny state" government ramming regulations down our throat. You have to admire the Tea Party's 19th century ethos that would liberate our children's low-wage productive potential. Health care costs too high? Just find yourself a Doogie Howser "M.D." and pay him with Pokemon cards.

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They probably will. Because nothing characterizes contemporary upper-middle class parenting more than spending $20,000 in attorney fees on behalf of your child's occasional interests. Cut from Little League? Got a B in History? Can't sell lemonade? These are problems courts can solve.

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wow i didn't watch vid til now.

carrie marriot scares the bejesus out of me.

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actually they ALL scare the bejesus out of me. seriously over-entitled bunch of rich white people making the $$$ and talking the talk.

with children of the corn.

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has anyone else been able to doublefist comments? sometimes i'll be sitting backstage bored and idly upfist a bunch of you perverts. then i get home and get on my computer and am able to REfist the same group of perverts.

is this just me? cause it's AWESOME.

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The worst part is this going to give Limbaugh/Hannity/Beck/O'Reilly/Ingraham/Cavuto at least a week's worth of material.

Clear Channel/TRN/Fox should send these kids a royalty check.

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