... so... "and you aren't white, christian, rich, heterosexual" could replace "and you are black" in Mahousu's slight edit above? Bit wordy, but I think that covers the bases. Lord knows you can wish for better but get marginalized instead.

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... and can we also get that bobble-head who claimed "pepper spray is just like a condiment" and test that theory? Repeatedly, in the interest of empirical evidence. And rigourously, because the scientific community demands it.

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Well, bucket. I'll bring the motion sickness.

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... if I didn't up-poke you for this before, I do now. It's a fraternity, it's a brotherhood, it's an insular union. Silent cops know the bad cops... but "go along to get along". TV crime dramas are just that - a dramatic presentation of what would happen if cops were beyond reproach. It's good fiction, fantasy even, but is in no way representative of what happens in the billy-club house masquerading as a LEO organization in the real world.

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... I think that if you Luntzify "depraved indifference" to "compassionate conservatism", you get to skate. Meh... semantics, some antics... bqhatevwr.

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Justice is like an onion, there are many layers to it. There's justice for some, justice for none, justice for just us but not your kind, preferred justice for the privileged few. And the more you peel away those layers, the more your eyes will water until you can no longer see through the tears. Comes a time when you want to throw the whole goddamn mess into the frying pan of judicial reform.

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This, to me, is the biggest issue. The law-enforcement community works for us. That aside, they have a personal stake in the actions of each and every one of them. We hear each time one of these incidents occurs that the majority of police officers are part of and dedicated to their communities. They would be safer and their jobs would be easier if the public shared those sentiments. As you said, dslindc, organizations like the national FOP should take the lead in demanding all officers do the right thing in every encounter. Checking their website, however, it appears their main focus is elsewhere.

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it's interesting to note that neither the right or the left know what the hell happened. thank god no one cares about laws any more, it's the wild wild west, i'm looking forward to lynchings

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Oh everyone knows what happened. The police made eye contact with a citizen who left the area and they chased him down, only he gave up rather quickly (like when they said hey stop or whatever) then they trussed him up and chucked him in a van while he asked for help, which was ignored, and when they finally did check on him, instead of rendering aid, they shackled his feet so that there would be no way on earth he could protect himself as he was joustled in the back of a van. Then, instead of getting the man help, they drove around a while and finally went AW HELL then got him to a hospital where he later died. Apparently the medical examiner determined the death was a homicide (which means non-self inflicted deathy death) whilst in police custody.What we're squabbling over is whether the police get to treat people like this because hey, they have committed crimes in the past, or whether or not no, you can't do this in a civilized society. For a change, a prosecutor decided that no, you can't beat the holy heck outta someone with a van ride and ignore their well being for your fun sick jollies.Interesting to note that the entire thing was because he ran and had a switchblade!!!! Neither of which are actual crimes in the state of Maryland

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What's the phrase... "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time"?

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"Most importantly, it is clear that your husband’s political future will be directly impacted, for better or worse, by the outcome of your investigation."

Yes, that is the most important thing.

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Usually by trying to do a skateboard stunt on youtube. Sometimes by twisting yourself into a knot trying to blame a black man for his own death.

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A black president who talks about race all the time to start a race war because he is a racist.


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Either her or her husvband will be physically attacked under suspicious circumstances in the next six months. Sad comment but these malicious goons are capable of anything - as the have already demonstrated multiple times.

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OTOH, according to the latest press conference, the driver of the van stopped three times to go back and look at the victim. Seems to me there was enough time to "think about before and" or " to measure and evaluate the nature and consequences" of his actions. But I assume in Maryland, murder one is a specific intent offense.

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The medical experts are saying that there wasn't enough room for him to gain the momentum needed to break 3 vertebrae and sever the spinal cord inside.

But I'm cynical enough to see the charges of vehicular homicide as either a lever to get the cops to spill on each other or a way to insure the cop who was driving can use the cell phone video as Exhibit A of his defense, i.e., Gray's spine was broken before he was put in the van. That video will create reasonable doubt unless the medical findings are overwhelmingly clear.

I'm hoping the driver can be convinced to roll on the lesser-charged officers who put Gray in the van but I wouldn't bet anything on that outcome.

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