"Freedom" is tied with "Patriot" and "Christian" for the most bitterly misued word in the English language.

When these chuds use it, it invariably means taking away other people's freedom.

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Or anybody, anywhere, asking them to do anything they don't feel like doing, particularly if it is for anyone else's benefit.

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Michelle Obama on Line One...

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"When the Aurora theater shooting happened, the VP of my department said a bunch of stupid crap about how if he’d been in the theater, he would have “taken care” of the shooter."

One of my former co-workers came in on a Monday morning with a goose egg and black eye. His explanation in its entirety was, "I coulda taken him."Rilly? Um, so why didn't you?

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They wouldn't need MOABs. All they'd have to do is poison the supply of chewin'a'bacca and Mountain Dew.

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Fun fact, that number plummets when it comes time for the NRA conversation because it's gun free (minus the vendors).

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despite all of the January 6ers sitting in prison right now walking around completely free because law enforcement doesn’t seem to give a shit

Corrected for accuracy

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I guess they realized tweeting out tots and pears literally every day looked silly

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Thanks for your detailed reply! I'd set off for work and forgot to reply later when I had the time. No golden visas here, I'm just a poor musician. But I'm going to do a little looking around, and appreciate the encouragement, thanks again for taking the time.

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The entire Star Wars franchise - starting from the first - is nothing more than two-hour toy commercials.

DEBATE ME!!!1!1!!

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I agree with you 100%, but having seen part of on the TeeVee yesterday (one with Kylo Ren) I noted that also Star WARS is mostly about WAR.It think I saw morw warfare in a 20 minute stretch that many WW!! filma ever had in an enitire film (''The Longest Day'' being a notable exception)...

Star Trek is mostly aboiut exploratiions. Star Wars is mostly about war, kiilling, revenge, mass murder, and just plain NRA-influenced Amurican shit.

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no prob

I wish you all the best, but yes - the sooner you can get plugged into the system there so you can derive benefits when you need medical care and retire the better.

Also, these countries are not really interested in foreigners moving to large cities - they prefer them to be in small towns or villages.

Good luck.

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Yup, however, sometimes many of the adherents to this website cannot distinguish from the mist in their eyes thinking about our first black president, and mist of rage when people dare to criticize him.

I supported HRC in this and in subsequent elections and would rather her be president for life because she is that competent.

I particularly remember all of the wanton and deliberate destruction under the Bush administration under the cover of patriotism for the Wars, and then Obama having a televised meeting with his opposition immediately after he got elected in some lame show of magnanimousness when they read him as weak and then proceeded to drag out negotiations until he no longer had his 60 Senate majority.


At least the Republicans have not made any secret of their plans to the point where I no longer blame them for their Fascism, but we need to understand we are in for a hard fought battle and ideological purity and veneers will not win.

However, I believe the fate of the world is being decided in Ukraine right now with Putin behind so many of the conservative cranks in this world and thus follow it closely.

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Back in the 70's, I used to hang out at this biker bar because they had a really good price on 16 oz. Genessee Cream Ales (Pounders), a killer sound system, and tapes made by the owner, Lefty, who had killer taste in music.

One night, this kid comes in, and announces that it's his twenty-first birthday. The state, at the time was low beer for 18-20 year-olds and everything for everyone else. The kid orders a shot of Jack. Lefty asks to see his ID. The kid flips out.

He's on his bike tonight, and, when he's on his bike, he's free, so he doesn't carry his ID because that somehow makes him less free. Or something.

He didn't celebrate his birthday there.

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Actual Frontier Mentality involves a lot of imposing everything about myself and my culture over everything I encounter with the help of guns.

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