Ta, Dok. Nice times in MA.

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Just for fun I think I’ll Google β€œAgenda 21 Rule 34,” see what comes up.

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The photograph at the top of this article contains the colors blue, pink, and white. That is ABSOLUTE PROOF that Massachusetts is transing the kids!


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I guess Qevin found out what happens when you make a deal with the devil?

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He found out that really, all along, nobody liked him. Nobody at all.

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In the end, the real Speakership was all the friends we failed to make along the way.

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First time in more than a century (113 years!) a Speaker was voted out.

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113 years ago was the last time anybody *tried* to get a Speaker voted out. The motion to vacate failed that time (and I believe there were a couple failed attempts in the 19th century too but cannot be bothered to look it up right now). This is the first time, ever, that a Speaker was voted out.

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Thanks for the clarification!

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His place in history is assured.

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First Speaker ever to get ousted. This is a solemn moment of great solemnity in the history of the Republic oh who am I kidding:


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β€œhere’s a government day care to stash your kids so we can propagandize them early,” no doubt turning them into mindless proponents ...

... of human kindness and empathy?

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You expect that from Christians?!?

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Oh boy, now the fun starts

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Qevin is officially OUT.

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Buh-bye, Qev. It has NOT been nice knowing you.

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So long farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodnight. Adieu, adieu, to yeu and yeu and yeu...

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Pelosi missed the vote! I wonder if that was some sort of consideration for a fellow Speaker or something.

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I'm thinking she's stepping back due to bereavement. She and Feinstein were quite close.

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I'm inclined to believe that it was an action befitting her stature and her congressional legacy.

She's not present secondary to the death of Dianne Feinstein. The two were close friends and like any good friend Nancy deserves privacy while mourning the loss of a long time compatriot.

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It would be sort of hilarious if the Ds just voted her right back in

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Nah, it's Hakeem Jeffries' turn.

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I believe she's in CA Re: DiFi

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Best I can tell, Banks, Pelosi, and Peltola didn't answer the first call.

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She will appear like the Wicked Witch and cast the deciding vote.

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That really would be one hell of a coup de grace

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I heard earlier on the TV that Nancy is in CA in mourning for Feinstein -- maybe a funeral or something. Anyway, she's not here. And I wonder if maybe Peltola isn't here because of her husband's recent death.

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That is all too entirely likely; my heart goes out to her right now.

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Was just noticing Pelosi appears to be absent.

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She is.

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PAB: "Stop the vote, I'm ahead!"

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