"Still, detractors are pointing to the fact that many “high-earners” left Massachusetts in 2021 and 2022, before the tax hike went into effect (or was even voted on) as proof that it is going to chase them off."
You say this is a "fact." Is there evidence? In CT, Republicans are always claiming rich people are fleeing the state without proving it.
Also, no billionaires. None. Yeet them into the sun on a bespoke rocket. Tell them it's a once in a lifetime opportunity that the common clay will never have, promise them a permanent zero tax rate out beyond the van Allen Belt, whatever. So long as someone rids us of these troublesome leeches.
If these great movers and shakers of society tire of their mistreatment at our hands and do take their toys and leave, there will be ten thirsty innovators clawing over each other to grab that empty slot.
My wife and I moved from Colorado to Massachusetts almost one year ago. Now, Colorado is a fine state with a strong democratic government making real changes for the people of Colorado, but my experience with Massachusetts has been a pleasant surprise. Despite hearing about a higher cost of living and housing costs etc. I haven’t really seen a huge difference…but where there are differences is in attitude. There are still issues with NIMBYs hating on infrastructure investments such as mass transit and developing multi family low income housing of course, but there is also an ethos of care culture that shatters Colorado’s libertarian bent. It is so strong that I’ve taken to watching the local news when I hardly ever did in Colorado. The reason, because they often run stories on immigration, housing new immigrants, education for all, etc. and when they are addressing what are legitimate problems, say in sheltering newly arrived immigrants (often shipped by bus from Texas or other red states) the freak out just isn’t there, rather the local news asks questions on how we make the transition better? How do we provide the help needed? Is the money being spent in ways that benefits the state and local communities or is it a cash grab? In other words, real journalism trying to help solve real issues without the vitriol of collapsing society. It is refreshing to be in a state that honors workers and unions, respects immigrants and works to educate and elevate all its residents. All that to say, what Massachusetts is doing is a good example for the broader country.
Just brought my eldest home from her four years in western MA. She’s pretty happy to be back in Chicago, but Massachusetts was a pretty good place to be for higher education
If we get Warren's multimillionaire tax, maybe eventually we can afford to get half the things we could already have if Bush hadn't invaded Iraq for not having weapons of mass destruction and not being involved in 9/11!
So, will this mean that Charlie's wife won't have to go down to the Sculley Square station with that sandwich every damned day (at quarter past two)? I was about 13 when that song came out and I
wondered why Mrs. Charlie didn't just put a nickel for Charlie inside that sandwich.
Does Massachusetts provide tax breaks for "pass-through" income - or something similar, which will allow those $1M/yr "earned income" millionaires to re-structure their income into a less taxable form? Whether they do or not, I suspect that another name for this "millionaire's tax" could be the "full employment for tax accountants" act.
But, congratulations anyway, Massachusetts - and let's back Warren's, et al idea of a "wealth tax"
Several sources have used it, but the most commonly cited use is from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have both used versions of it
"Still, detractors are pointing to the fact that many “high-earners” left Massachusetts in 2021 and 2022, before the tax hike went into effect (or was even voted on) as proof that it is going to chase them off."
You say this is a "fact." Is there evidence? In CT, Republicans are always claiming rich people are fleeing the state without proving it.
Good state for sportsball fans, too!
Back to the good old days, when the rich paid higher taxes than the peasants. Pretty sure that's what MAGA wants, innit?
Also, no billionaires. None. Yeet them into the sun on a bespoke rocket. Tell them it's a once in a lifetime opportunity that the common clay will never have, promise them a permanent zero tax rate out beyond the van Allen Belt, whatever. So long as someone rids us of these troublesome leeches.
Excellent news! Now add a zero to that tax rate.
"Elizabeth Warren, Pramila Jayapal, and others have introduced bills in the House and Senate for a nationwide millionaire’s tax of two percent "
About Damn Time.
And I support this a thousand percent.
Ta, Robyn. NY should follow suit, sooner rather than later.
If these great movers and shakers of society tire of their mistreatment at our hands and do take their toys and leave, there will be ten thirsty innovators clawing over each other to grab that empty slot.
I volunteer to pay 100% tax on any income I receive in excess of $1M per year.
I'll pay 111% on mine! Why all the '60s UK musicians moved to the US.
If a billionaire is a skinflint, racist miser, then he ought to live in a shithole state.
My wife and I moved from Colorado to Massachusetts almost one year ago. Now, Colorado is a fine state with a strong democratic government making real changes for the people of Colorado, but my experience with Massachusetts has been a pleasant surprise. Despite hearing about a higher cost of living and housing costs etc. I haven’t really seen a huge difference…but where there are differences is in attitude. There are still issues with NIMBYs hating on infrastructure investments such as mass transit and developing multi family low income housing of course, but there is also an ethos of care culture that shatters Colorado’s libertarian bent. It is so strong that I’ve taken to watching the local news when I hardly ever did in Colorado. The reason, because they often run stories on immigration, housing new immigrants, education for all, etc. and when they are addressing what are legitimate problems, say in sheltering newly arrived immigrants (often shipped by bus from Texas or other red states) the freak out just isn’t there, rather the local news asks questions on how we make the transition better? How do we provide the help needed? Is the money being spent in ways that benefits the state and local communities or is it a cash grab? In other words, real journalism trying to help solve real issues without the vitriol of collapsing society. It is refreshing to be in a state that honors workers and unions, respects immigrants and works to educate and elevate all its residents. All that to say, what Massachusetts is doing is a good example for the broader country.
Just brought my eldest home from her four years in western MA. She’s pretty happy to be back in Chicago, but Massachusetts was a pretty good place to be for higher education
Billionaires don't need no government paved roads since their main forms of travel are by yacht and by private jet.
Helicopter from the yacht to the private airfield
If we get Warren's multimillionaire tax, maybe eventually we can afford to get half the things we could already have if Bush hadn't invaded Iraq for not having weapons of mass destruction and not being involved in 9/11!
So, will this mean that Charlie's wife won't have to go down to the Sculley Square station with that sandwich every damned day (at quarter past two)? I was about 13 when that song came out and I
wondered why Mrs. Charlie didn't just put a nickel for Charlie inside that sandwich.
Does Massachusetts provide tax breaks for "pass-through" income - or something similar, which will allow those $1M/yr "earned income" millionaires to re-structure their income into a less taxable form? Whether they do or not, I suspect that another name for this "millionaire's tax" could be the "full employment for tax accountants" act.
But, congratulations anyway, Massachusetts - and let's back Warren's, et al idea of a "wealth tax"
Isn’t she the one that coined the phrase “every billionaire is a policy failure?”
Several sources have used it, but the most commonly cited use is from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have both used versions of it
You always knock it out of the park, Robyn! Thanks again!