My favorite SW line!

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Yes, but it's not Julie Andrews, it's Deborah Kerr. ps Julie did a duet with Colbert last month. She sounded just fine!

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Yep, you're right. I know that the voice seemed familiar, but I've never seen the King and I, but I have seen My Fair Lady several times. Poor Marni Nixon. I always felt sorry for her.

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Judging from the previews, It could have been a good series. But the ability to do something more than a Dallas/Dynasty type soap opera was beyond the capabilities of the writers.

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Needs more aliens.

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The ones with acid for blood if they aren't all working for Karl Rove.

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Too bad the sound track wasn't written by Billy Jowl.

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Ms. Weaver's take on the show (from the Wiki)

"the fact that families who have been in the White House often try to get back in the White House or continue to try and get in the White House."

Sigourney, honey? Maybe you should have stopped at "Leave her alone, you bitch"?

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Typical John Waters ... but doesn't he ususally get Divine to play in these things?

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