The immediate point is that Republicans are quite clearly all about fake outrage and belittling those who ask them serious questions to deflect attention away from the fact that they have no real answers to anything. The broader point is that no Republican currently running has any chance in the general election, and every thinking person in this country realizes this.
As I said these "debates" are just campaign ads. Nothing substantive is going to be said until next year after the conventions. Then the Reb candidate will have to decide, dump the base and go for the middle of the road or lose bigger than Mitt's worst nightmare. It will either be a whole different campaign or more of what we have already seen.
The immediate point is that Republicans are quite clearly all about fake outrage and belittling those who ask them serious questions to deflect attention away from the fact that they have no real answers to anything. The broader point is that no Republican currently running has any chance in the general election, and every thinking person in this country realizes this.
Noah way I'm going down this road ...
There empty heads and hearts form echo chambers for the words of their masters.
This is bad only if the coverage is pay per view only. Hills would castrate Carls in a debate.
As I said these "debates" are just campaign ads. Nothing substantive is going to be said until next year after the conventions. Then the Reb candidate will have to decide, dump the base and go for the middle of the road or lose bigger than Mitt's worst nightmare. It will either be a whole different campaign or more of what we have already seen.
Ben Carson was a gas before he decided to run for Prez with zero qualification.
The best part is animals show true gratitude for the least act of kindness. Regular nose licks will put a smile back on his face.
Total class act.
Don't forget us Mensheviks too!
We're boned.
Only in-house. Versus Hillary, he disappears in a cloud of votes.
A cliche and a non-sequitur in one post. Amazing.
How about on a case by case basis? Or as an oppressed minority (sane)?
Gas coming out of both ends.
... were nowhere to be found on that stage.