Uh-oh - you're on Russ' shit list now. No dinner invitations for you. Sad.

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Not surprising - a lot of them couldn't pass the mental health background checks.A background check for association with right-wing militia ("loons & goons") would be nice, but prolly not Constitutional. When it comes to taking shots at your fellow citizens, they take the guns after you shoot somebody. (Where are the damned precogs when you need 'em?)

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Starlings are social critters. Wherever they roost, it's a PARTAAAAY! http://people.eku.edu/ritch...

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He calls that a "disguise"?? Nobody recognized O'Keefe because he's not famous or important. He doesn't need a disguise, he is as anonymous as I am.

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True but at the same time it's not like these are seasoned actors here.... remember Shaq-fu?

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>Propaganda>TruthinessChoose one.

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This was extremely convincing for about 90% of the population: http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/...

This was extremely convincing for about 80% of the population before the Orlando shooting: http://csgv.org/issues/guns...

... and that's not even including the total gun violence body count before that.

The "they're coming to take yur guns" argument is no longer a winning bet.

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100% of everybody.

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Why choose one? O'Keefe could be trying to prevent citizen journalism by making it look dumb, or he could be trying to be hip by dressing dumb...

I'm gonna go with "both of them, Aaron".

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And by party, we mean "public restroom".

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Nope, he couldn't be doing that. BLM did that already with their "hands up don't shoot" crap. And the "he was a good boy". And the "he was on medication". etc. Lie after lie, think anybody supports BLM now? O'Keefe is reviving citizen journalism, by faithfulness to the cause of revealing the reality:Demshitstains never win. They only steal elections.

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That's not a word. #usewords #dictionariesAreHuge #UseOne

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I would consider it benign if I did not know that they were for sale. Hypocrites/actors are evil because they deceive for hire.

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HAHAHAHAHAA bless your soul.

Also: I know what your favorite line is. Doesn't make it any more true.

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Ohhhhhh. You're low-info. It's in the emails. :^) How much you do not know!!!

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