Well, it would make sense for Harold Shea to be in somebody else's book, no? It's where he spent most of his time.

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It's worse. They <i>do</i> know H20 is bad for them -- they avoid bodies of water. That's why M. Night is heading for the lake.

He just got so fond of his damn water glasses he lost track of common sense.

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More like Laffer Curveball.

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Too easy.

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this is really really boring.

but i'm 12 hours late and slightly tipsy so it's going to take johnny depp or jon stewart to amuse me.

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I thought what he's saying is that the rich doling out their charity is not capable of replacing tax-and-spend as a way of meeting the nation's needs: that whatever largesse certain rich individuals may exhibit, we <strong>still</strong> need to tax the fuckers, because a donation to Deerfield Academy, even a $68 million donation, isn't going to educate a single kid from a family scraping by in South-Central LA, or repair a road that's falling apart in the Bronx or (as King points out himself) the levees in NOLA.

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Right after I wrote that, I thought I should have done a Rule 34 search first.

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I think it would be great if Mr. King wrote for Wonkette. However, other than those of us at our little Algonquin Round Table, who else would read his column?

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Wait...the Hardy Boys <i>didn't</i> gang bang Nancy Drew?! Oh wait...if it's just two dudes, is it still a "gang bang"? I thought that was just a threesome. I suppose if we got Fenton and Chet involved, it could be considered a gang bang.

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Make all tax returns public. List the gross income, taxes paid, and amounts to charity.

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