Go fuck yourself Matt you Dick Tracy villain piece of shit.

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I mean chasing down and raping minors probably gives him a good workout.

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Torches and pliers. Vote-torches and vote-pliers, of course.

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Seems your vote doesn't count.

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Even when you use pigs, it makes bacon cheaper.

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Take care.

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He doesn't know, right?

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Its called High Fructose Corn Syrup. And 10 years ago there was found to be a direct link between high levels of consumption and increased rates of Type 2 diabetes. Get that shit OUT of the national diet and you might just save both lives and some money in the bargain. Corn is the most heavily subsidised farm product and at the same time the one leading to the worst health outcomes. Do the maths fuckhead.

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I'm a T1 Diabetic with weight issues caused by other health conditions/disabilities, some of which are caused by/related to my Diabetes.

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You'd be surprised how many T2s end up on insulin. The NHS is going to be prescribing the Freestyle Libre system to any T2 on an insulin regime (with no charge) as well as to all T1s as of this month.

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So, is it still OK to charge an arm and a leg for insulin if the patient is Type ONE diabetic? Or does the Hebephile Gaetz not know the difference?

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Of course. I sort of mentioned her with my reference to Epi-pens. But, since I already share Dok’s tendency for prolixity, I have to edit certain things! 😁

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Gaetz is the most craven piece of shit in a party LOADED with craven pieces of shit. A failson that was handed a congressional seat by daddy & his cronies, Gaetz has never accomplished a single thing while in office. He just wants a video clip for Fox 'News' & liberal rage. He accomplishes no more being a congressman than a 13year old kid on his phone thinking that fascism is the new edgy thing. Real people's lives count on congress doing their job. It's pathetic that an entire party just gave up on governing 30 years ago.

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Let him talk.

He is scripting our attack ads.

Meanwhile, start preparing our own ads: the adorable kidling, the pretty young mom, the compassionate nurse, the hard-working blue collar guy, the sweet granny, all saying "Being a diabetic who needs insulin isn't Socialism"...

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Same here. So was the adorable kid singled out at the State of the Union address. I wonder if he thinks that kid should just die, for freedom?

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