She was 15 when she started dating her future husband, who was already an adult. She probably would have had the kid a lot sooner than 19 if they hadn't had to wait for him to finish his jail sentence for exposing himself to a bunch of Lauren's 15-year-old friends at a bowling alley first.
I've never been to law school, but I was under the impression they pretty much hammered it into your head first year that you never ask a question in a setting like that when you don't already know the answer to.
Based on the behavior I see in public, I imagine that the staffs of every Banana Republican elected official wakes up every morning praying something like this doesn't happen. They just all strike me as being pretty abusive to underlings.
Seriously. Meanwhile the Gaetz staffer who googled that up and didn’t bother to find out what the Global Times is - probs chief of staff now.
She was 15 when she started dating her future husband, who was already an adult. She probably would have had the kid a lot sooner than 19 if they hadn't had to wait for him to finish his jail sentence for exposing himself to a bunch of Lauren's 15-year-old friends at a bowling alley first.
At least Roy Moore's girlfriends were mature enough that he had to use his pull to call them out of trig class.
Remember, they have secret knowledge that no one else has. That's what makes them so superior.
"Excuse me, Congressman. Did you say Globalist Times?"
There, there.
I just made cannabis-infused chocolate chip cookies from a new recipe. They turned out pretty good.
Gaetz prefers his staffers female and 13yo.
Or Nestor. The christmas donkey.
I bet he's a real charmer in the office after getting publicly humiliated. Masters of the Universe don't like that feeling.
I like Banana Republican. Of course, it'll eventually be shortened to Nana Republican. I like that also, too.
I've never been to law school, but I was under the impression they pretty much hammered it into your head first year that you never ask a question in a setting like that when you don't already know the answer to.
Based on the behavior I see in public, I imagine that the staffs of every Banana Republican elected official wakes up every morning praying something like this doesn't happen. They just all strike me as being pretty abusive to underlings.
Special order.
She was well compensated for her efforts.
The witness still gets to respond. The wanking motion won't make Fox News, but the rest of them aren't shy about where they get their clicks.