It would be great if every politician in a safe seat were to say no to PAC money. Also too I would like to see pigs fly.

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I fear it will come to that all too soon.

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But, that doesn't stop other organizations plowing a boat load of money into favorable advertising or against his opponents.

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Looking pretty good yet?

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One case already confirmed in my town ) 8

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Is it from the mentality that if we give him credit, he may end up dropping his douchecanoe ways? Like trying to correct an erring child, and praising them when they do the right thing.

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And prevents scurvy!

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A sloshed clock is right twice a day.

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I mean, that seems extremely unlikely.

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Masks work best to keep infected people from aerosolizing the virus. They don’t keep you from getting it.

To prevent transmission, wash those paws, sanitize home and work surfaces, and sanitize hands that have touched public spaces like handrails, elevator buttons, door handles, and shopping carts. Or airplane seat belt buckles.

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meh. golf clap.maybe

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Who needs PACs when you've got Russians?

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Matt Gaetz is not, as we had always assumed, a complete idiot, so mentally incompetent as to be without the ability to engage in moral reasoning. Unbeknownst to us, he's been able to tell the difference between right and wrong this whole time! A stopped clock can tell the correct time if someone moves its hands. Until I see a long-term corroborated pattern of Max Fucking Gaetz being right about things, in the short term I'm going to assume that when his mouth happens to say something right, it's being operated by somebody else's hand up his ass.

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I've never turned tricks for Washington PACs

It's not a trick, Michael, it's an illusion

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Luv ya, Liz Dye.

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