Right? Have him make his deposition...It should ONLY take a WEEK TOPS (a day really, but Im feeling generous)...Keep him under house arrest AT LEAST as his intel is verified, THEN make a plea deal with him...You could even make the deal BEFOREHAND with the understanding that everything needed to check out before the deal was official...

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I hope you're right, because otherwise there is NO EXCUSE for kicking this can down the road over and over and over again...

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From a legal stand point, it IS, and letting them continue to frame it with those words lets them continue to victimize the children.

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And we are assuming a jury from Kent Hovind's hometown, Pensacola, aka Lower Alabama.

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Better than the epic fail that humans have wrought since Day One.

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It's time for another edition of Another Angle's Conspiracy Speculations. -For the last few days on this recipe sharing blog, we've been talking the endowment sizes (and I'm not talking about money here) of three certain people at the top of the MAGA food chain. Matt, Corey, and Dearest Leader. Today, this story drops. I think that Joel is about to introduce a new guest star to his and Matt's toxic, debauchery show. And that person/guest star would be Corey Lewandowski. We just found out that Corey is no longer sexually involved with his wife and loves to get rip roaring drunk. It wouldn't surprise me one bit that when Corey had some fundraising to do in Central Florida, he would hang out afterwards with Matt and Joel like common Bros. They would do things like get White Frat boy wasted, and pay for "extra curricular activities" that would go on until late in the night/early morning. And as we've known for a hot minute, Joel has all the "receipts" to these toxic and criminal MAGA shenanigan's.

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I want the kind of perp-walks where they have to drape their jackets over the cuffs for the newsdog photos

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Sit him in a chair for 8 hours a day and tell him to keep talking until he's done. How long could it possibly take?

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Perp walk! Perp walk or GTFO!

This is taking waaaaaaay too long!

Are any of these GOP mofos gonna pay?


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It was just in case! You know, who wouldn't want an emergency pardon.

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I’ve missed her!

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To be generous, it could be that the prosecutors feel her current profession would make her seem to be an unreliable witness to the jury. Because yeah, there are a bunch of potential jurors who — what they claim in void dire be damned — won’t believe anything a sex-worker says.

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Yup, that's the way I took it as well.

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Getting away with crimes just makes him more presidential to republican voters

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