I've never known enough about him to see this coming, alas. I only listened to the shows and read his columns. *sigh* I wonder how many talented artists are going to go down the memory hole because of an inability to govern their fucking dicks. GODDAMMIT WHY CAN'T WE HAVE NICE THINGS FROM GOOD PEOPLE INSTEAD OF ASSHOLES???

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Can you imagine the shitstorm that would result online? The Bros would go fucking BALLISTIC.

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Ahhh, a liberal media conspiracy!! Hammer, nail, etc.

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Good gravy -- Kathleen Parker can piss right off. I'd heard that trope before, obviously, but the idea that Clinton got away with something and spurred men everywhere to be lecherous pussygrabbers is utterly preposterous. Anything to keep from criticizing our present leaders, I guess.

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Seriously. I've never met the man and I could tell he was a perv from watching him on TV, acting like he's God's adorable gift to women. I don't feel the least bit sorry for Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb. How enveloped in your own celebrity do you have to be to miss all that evidence?

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Did you read that he was in the Bellagio poker room yesterday when it was robbed by a gunman? He couldn't wait to get the TV mics shoved in his face.

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Republican sexist pig.http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/...

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Letterman was the same. Slobbering all over her. And she played it for all it was worth.

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Yeah, he's a prince. His current girlfriend is only 20 years younger.

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Tell me about it. It's only been in the last few years that I've really started confronting some of the shit in my past. Some of it I'd even FORGOTTEN about, it's just so ingrained in life.

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Wait, so those times you were propositioned before you were TWELVE just don't count? How does that work, exactly?

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Yeah, basically. Just like anybody of either sex could turn out to be a murderer or an arsonist. There's no way to know because there's no way to read minds. So unless you're a proven psychic, you can't say you don't know any sexual predators.

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Okay, now I'm pretty sure you're a troll. Because that is some serious bullshit right there. It's impossible to blame a victim one doesn't know? What the fuck planet are you living on?

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Consider yourself rubbed!

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I'm down to my last slice of pumpkin. That'll have to do.

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Did you say Jeremy Piven?? No! Paul Sewicki from Grosse Pointe Blank?

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